Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Westward Ho

I believe this trip was concocted mid summer. My grandparents (dad's side) were having a party with the family and hell yeah I wanted to be there. So Camin and I decided to take a lil road trip. We were going to our dad's house in Helena, then the 3 of us would go to Vancouver.

Cam and I left the house a little after 8 on Monday morning. I had an appointment at the oral surgeons at 8:30 (a week ago I had 2 wisdom teeth taken out) to make sure things were healing. The appointment went fine, we were out in 5 minutes. We stopped to get gas and windshield wiper fluid and then we were off! Our vacation officially started!

I drove us through ugly boring Wyoming-

This times a billion.

-where we stopped in Sheridan (or She-Ridin' as Ian and I like to call it) to get more gas. Then we drove through Montana and made another stop in Billings around 1 o'clock to get gas and food at a McDonalds. I think I've spent $40 on gas so far. We got back on the road with the intention of stopping in Bozeman once more before reaching dads house.


Nothing really interesting happened in the car ride. It was around 70 degrees in Spearfish when we left, then 40 to 50 in Sheridan and Billings. I decided not to stop in Bozeman and there was some snow once we took the exit to Helena and were driving through the mountains but it cleared up once we got to flat grounds. It was just a chill, 9 hour drive.

And then we got to dad's house! It was around 6:30 when we pulled in. Dad greeted us in the driveway and hugs were had all around! Shawna was inside making dinner, I haven't seen her in 4 or 5 years. Cam hadn't seen her in like 10 years. But she looks the same! She poured me a glass of riesling and we all chatted for a bit then migrated downstairs to my fathers Fortress of Solitude. Dad is making a bear claw necklace that looks badass so I think I'm going to make a coyote tooth necklace in the same fashion.

My stepsister Sharlene stopped by with her 2 year old daughter Zoey who is absolutely adorable. We had lasagna and salad and more riesling for dinner. It was very good, I forgot to take a picture. I got a little toasty at dinner. We all hung out more until Sharlene had to leave for work. I watched Snow White with Zoey and we danced when Snow White and the dwarves danced ( I can't understand much of what she says but I understand dancing). Then she and Shawna went to bed and Cam, dad, and I watched The Matrix. Cam and I had never seen it before. It was very 90's. We went to bed around 11.

Since this was a mostly uneventful driving day I'll continue on with the next day.

I woke up around 8 to snow. Snow! What the hell. We hung out most of the morning. Dad finished packing, I ate leftover lasagna, Cam read. It stopped snowing and we hit the road at 11:30.

We had to drive through some mountain pass but as soon as we were out it was sunny. We drove for maybe 2 hours before stopping in Missoula to have lunch at Cracker Barrel. I've never been to a Cracker Barrel!

These guys love rocking chairs!

Cracker Barrel is a country food store and an actual store for candy and holiday decor. If they had an advent calendar I would have bought a dozen but sadly they did not. We were there for lunch anyways, not advent calendars. We were seated and I ordered a chicken sandwich and vegetable soup. It cost $9. While we waited we played this game where you jump pegs and try to jump all the pegs to win.

I had 4 left which basically means I'm an complete idiot. 2 is considered good. Cam also got 4. I cheated and looked up how to win on my phone, then tried it again. Somehow I ended up with 5 left that time. Then our food arrived!

Veg soup

Chicken sandwich

It was good. I ate Cam's scrambled eggs and dad's grits (and also dad's cinnamon apple slices). Dad paid for our meal and we got back on the road. We drove for a bit before stopping at a gas station and gift shop. But this was just a sneaky ploy for our father to take us across the street to an antique store.

Padre teaching Cam to spot a deal

We didn't find anything we couldn't live without so we pressed on. I have a bad conception of time but maybe around 3 or 3:30 we passed into Idaho.

I-D-A-H-O, Idaho Idaho go go go!

And then like a minute later we passed into Washington which I didn't get a picture of and I'm mad about it. I took some snapchats in Spokane to make up for it.

My username is calla_valhalla damn I'm clever

We drove for several days or a couple hours I don't know. We stopped for food at a Burger King to get my chicken fries fix around 7 then back on the road for another billion hours. It was dark out but I believe it was probably very pretty scenery. Finally we got to our hotel at 11:30 in Vancouver. I took a shower and went to sleep on the couch which was surprisingly very comfy.

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