Monday, October 17, 2016

Down by the Sea(side)

On Sunday we didn't do much so I didn't think to type any of it up. People started leaving and our numbers dwindled down. Dad played taxi cab and took people to the airport on 3 separate occasions. Ian left early, Shawna and Christine left around noon. I snacked and drank my way through the rainy cold day.

I read my Hannibal Lecter book and made spaghetti with Beppe. She, Pake, Kevin, and Tori took off for Vancouver sometime that afternoon. Sarah had an coloring book so Jill, Kandace, Nadine, and I joined in.



That was it for the day.

The following day I woke up around 9. We packed up our stuff, did several walkthroughs of the house, said goodbyes and exchanges numbers with people with promises to meet again in the near future, and hit the road around 11:30.

Goodbye McMansion

Dad, Cam, and I left Portland for Seaside Oregon! It was maybe an hour or two hour drive, I'm not sure. It was a very pretty drive though, lots of trees to look at.

We drove around Seaside to find the beachside hotels and got a place right next to the aquarium! Once we hauled the luggage in we had a quick snack of leftover chicken, bread, and pumpkin pie before Cam and I left to explore the beach.

We scavenged the sands for cool finds but came up with nothing. At one point we were standing next to a giant piece of driftwood when I looked up and saw the waves were a comin' fast toward us. Cam and I hopped on the log quickly to miss the salty sea but one of his feet got soaked.

Fuck you Poseidon!

Dad joined us and we walked on the sidewalk.

We walked over to the turnaround which is a Lewis and Clarke statue looking out to the sea.

Couple of posers

Then we decided to go to the aquarium! It was $8 a person and dad paid for us all to go in. Before we went to far we had to stop and watch the seals be cute. I bought some snacks for them for $2.


We threw the fish at them and they went crazy. God I love seals. They're like water dogs. Dogs for mermaids.

Get some

The seals have another, larger place in back but they like to be where the people are I guess. All the seals here were born here. The Seaside Aquarium was the first place aquarium in the world to successfully breed these lil water puppies (actually they're called harbor seals).

After we fed them we wandered around the little aquarium. There's lots to see. I don't remember the names of anything to be honest. Just lots of marine life.

Drink me!

Who is she?

We were watching the hermit crab looking fella's when the staff gave them a dead fish to snack on. They went to town on that, ripping off the eyes and peeling back scales and fighting for flesh.

While we were watching, the staff told us it was dinner time for the mermaid puppies. Hell yeah we wanted to watch!

The seals act starved and it was a bit of a madhouse. They're yelling and splashing and clapping they're fins. We loved it!

Rikku as a seal

We went back to watch the hermit crabs, then right before we left Camin remembered he had a coupon to feed the seals so he used it. While he was getting fish, one of the seals was watching him through the window.

Hello please!

Camin fed them and they went wild again. It's so entertaining! He got splashed big time and his jacket and pants were soaked.

"I swear it's not pee"

We left the aquarium after spending about 40 minutes there. Dad drove us downtown and we stopped by a donut shop to get us a snack-

We walked downtown, me leading the way and the boys following. I bought 2 hoodies and a tee shirt for $29.

It was a very nice day. It rained a bit walking back to the car but nothing heavy.

Around 4:30 we went back to the room to chill and get caught up on journaling.

Dad and Cam wanted to see a movie so we went to a local cinema and saw The Magnificent Seven at 6. I had seen it already but saw t again for the hell of it. It got out around 8:30 and we went back to the hotel to snack on some bread. The guys went to sleep early and I stayed up reading until midnight.

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