Saturday, October 15, 2016

October 15, 1966

I woke up in the middle of the night. Ian arrived sometime after I went to bed. He and several other people were tucked in snug as bugs in our bunker. I snuck out of the room and went to the kitchen (where the oven told me it's 4:30 am) to find my phone. I couldn't find it so I got a glass of water and went back to bed. Except I couldn't fall asleep. I sorta drifted in and out for a few hours before I woke up to puke. I went back to bed and drifted in and out of sleep while everyone around me woke up and got ready for the day. I got up around 8 to throw up again and take a shower, then I went back to sleep. Dad came and checked on me a few times and gave me a sparkling water. I had vertigo really bad. Sadness.

Finally I got up at 11. Everyone probably thinks I'm hungover and can't hang. Perhaps I have tarnished my image. Oh well! I sat in the kitchen with Ian while I journaled up the events of yesterday. The house is a flutter of excitement while people get ready for the party.

I helped by stirring up some green beans before getting bored and assigning Ian to take over.

Get to work!

A little after that the power went out which was annoying because we want internet but the food was mostly cooked so we were good to go. I changed out of my hoodie and into a nice looking outfit. By now it was around 1-2:00. Snacks were set up in the foyer.

Tasty tasty

Ian and I set up the chocolates and cookies Shawna bought yesterday. And everyone started to arrive! Most of the people were Beppe's old friends from work, or so I learned. We ate appetizers around a quarter to 3.

Nelson clan getting wild

And we chatted. I'm gonna be honest, it was dull. I mostly hung out with Camin and Ian but in between I had the same conversations with people. People want to know if I'm in school, what I'm doing for work, what I'll do with my life. At least no one has asked me if I have a boyfriend. Still, I was bored. And the power still wasn't back on.

It was time to eat at 4:30. I got myself a plate and ate in the foyer.

We had steak kabob, chicken, turkey, mac and cheese, salad, candied yams, deviled eggs, and some other stuff. It was very good! Good thing I threw up a bunch this morning. I was preparing my stomach for more room for lunch.

We socialized more, then at 5:15 the gang got together to take photos, pop a couple bubblys, and cut cake.

Scott and dad shooting corks

The cake is on fire!

The fire is out, thank you jesus

Pake took a moment to "say a few words". He said he loved each and every one of us and thanked us all for coming out. He is so sweet, I got nothin' but love for Pake. While we chatted in the foyer, I took a selfie with my bros.

Just imagine what I could do with the power on.

We had two different cakes, a black forest cake and a yellow cake with apricot. Beppe and Pake had yellow cake with apricot at their wedding 50 years ago so I had a slice of that.

It was good, I've always liked yellow cake. And then we hung out more. It's hard to remember who all I spoke to. We had to light candles around 6 because it was getting dark in the house and we still don't have power.

I went back to the foyer to sit where there was slightly more natural light than in the kitchen. There I played with Beverly. We passed forks back and forth. I taught her how to brush her hair with them.


Then we hung out more. I keep saying that but there's not much else to say. I sat with Pake for a while and he gave me advice (typical cutey Pake) and told stories about people getting shot in the ass and having to eat porcupine in the dead of winter during his army days. Peter's sister showed up and thought I was Jill at first. Peter says I remind him of Jill when they first met. I think that's a nice compliment! Jill is a bamf.

I moved to the kitchen to hang out with the younger crowd to finish writing up today's events while I listened to Ian and Jill have a friendly argument on nihilism and whether or not anything matters. There's a full moon tonight so people are getting feisty.

I talked with Jill for a bit. She kinda just harassed me about getting out of South Dakota which she's right. Then Ian and I did some shots of vodka. Then I talked with Conrad about traveling. Around 10:45 the power came back on, freaking finally.

I got more caught up on blogging. People started going to bed. Nancy was cleaning up in the kitchen so I chatted with her. She said something I had been wondering about, but assumed not to mention. It was a lovely party and everyone is happy, we just never mentioned Pake's first wife and my dad's bio mother. Nancy said she looked a lot like Kirk and her, so I think I would look like her as well. She went to college and died when the kids were pretty young.

I stayed up to finish this damn blog post and talked with Conrad and dad about Jonestown Massacre and other fun things. We chatted until 1:30 before calling it a night.

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