Friday, October 14, 2016

The Nelson clan

Boys were up early again today (7:30!) but I went back to sleep for another hour. Around 9 we got breakfast and I remembered my phone this time for a picture.

I showered and lounged about a bit longer waiting for the girls to get up. The boys packed up the truck around 11:30-

Good men

And we went straight to Cosco. I love Cosco! Wish we had one in bumhole South Dakota.

"Welcome to Cosco, I love you."

We bought giant bottles of booze then the boys went back to the car and we bought (I say we but it was Shawna) ginger beer and limes and cookies and chocolates. We gonna get our party pants on tonight. We had to make another stop at a Safeway for ice and Starbucks and then we went to Portland to find the party house.

It was a bit of a drive. Around an hour or two? Once we were in the right town it was all uphill. The iphone GPS jerked us around a bit and literally made us drive in circles but we found the house because we're smart. It doesn't look like a mansion on the outside but the inside is very nice.

and mirrors are nice too

Jill, Scott, Scott's lady, Conrad, Kandace (Conrad's wifey), Nancy, Sarah, and baby Bevy (Sarah's daughter who is cute and not shy) were all there. Hurray! Now that we were here it was time to party. And party we did. Shawna popped open a bottle of pinot grigio and poured the ladies a glass and dad cracked open a bottle of scotch.

When a girl can't make up her mind she chooses both

We mostly sipped wine (and scotch) and watched people make things happen in the kitchen. I can throw down in the bakery but I can't cook.

Conrad and Scott

The girls decided to take a walk around the property. An hour later a little after 5 we were ready to go! Shawna, Jill, Sarah, Christine and I got some umbrellas because it's raining of course.

I love Jill's hair

The walk itself was pretty lame but the girls made it fun. They are all very funny ladies.

But I'm the funniest.

We made it to the deck and had a photo session and impromptu dance party. Cam was on the top deck and took some pictures.

Don't hate us cuz you ain't us

The walk lasted a little over half an hour and and we maybe went 10 steps. Once inside, Shawna, Christine, and I made moscow mules. I don't like ginger beer so I went light on that and poured some water in.

Camin and I explored the house a bit more. We checked out half the upstairs and hot damn this is a nice place. I want to play hide and seek here. Jills bff Peter got here, and then Beppe and Pake and June and some guys got here! We hugged the grandparents (but not those guys). Then dinner was ready! It was 7:30 when we sat down. I sat at the kids table with Christine, Camin, Conrad, and Kandace. Kandace is the odd ball for having a K letter name. Dinner was (my favorite) spaghetti and salad. We also had goat cheese and fried cheese.

If you're feeling upsetti, have some spaghetti

Also another moscow.

If you're a fool, have a second mule

And then Kevin and Tori got here! By then we were done eating so Kandace and I did the dishes. I can't cook but I can clean. Christine and I hung out for a while. I did some shots of huckleberry vodka and then Christine made me another drink. I had a moment of clarity around 9:45. I was too drunk to be in the company of people. So I went to bed! I'm staying in a big room with 4 bunk beds.

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