Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Beppe and Pake

We woke up today around 8.

Good morning couch bed

We were lazy for a bit before having breakfast in the hotel. I had cereal and yogurt and didn't take a picture because its cereal and yogurt, we all know what that looks like. I finished blogging yesterday then got dressed and did my makeup.

I think we left around 10 or 10:30 to see Beppe and Pake. Hugs were had all around, they are so cute. Pake taught me the phrase "hoka hey" which is what Crazy Horse yelled before battle. It's like saying "a good day to die". We went out to lunch at Olive Garden and I had a chicken parmesan sandwich and chatted with Pake about the school system in Holland and Germany. Then we went back to their place and checked out the trees and greenery. They've got so many different types of trees but the ones that I remember were a sequoia tree, an oak, turkish fir, and a russian dolgo crabapple.

I really do love plants. Not so much taking care of them but looking at them.

We went inside and looked at old photos for a bit, reminiscing about the old ranch in South Dakota.

Look at these studs!

Kevin, Scott, and dad

We left I think a quarter after 2 to go through a car wash before wandering around downtown. We saw a marijuana store but didn't go inside. They have security standing by to check your id. I don't remember seeing guards in the Amsterdam pot stores. Anyways we found ourselves some antique stores because dad is consumed with the need.

Should I buy this hat?

There's some fun, colorful artwork around the drains and gutters and then some weird art.

Look out!

Overall it was a chill afternoon. We stopped by a Barnes and Nobles but I didn't get anything. We went back to the hotel around 5:30, I was pretty tired. We were lazy for a couple hours.

A bit after 7 we walked over to the Vancouver mall to get some grub. We had Subway and got Cinnabons. Then because I'm a greedy little pig I also got a Baskin Robbins ice cream.


We got back to the room and I finished my ice cream then ate the center of my Cinnabon.

Sin-oh-man roll!

Forgive me Father for I have cinned.

I justify my gluttony by reminding myself that a week ago I averaged 500 calories a day after getting my wisdom teeth taken out. So I'm doing this for my health really. Also I'm probably all caught up on calories after the roll.

The boys went to a movie at 9 and I hung out in the hotel getting caught up on blogging. I went to bed around 12!

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