Thursday, October 13, 2016

Rainy day in Portland

Today we were up at 7:30 to look out the window and see rain. I had a blueberry waffle and yogurt for breakfast and forgot my phone to take a picture. We lounged about the hotel room for a couple hours to wait for the traffic to die off. Around 10:30 for left for Portland!

The traffic wasn't so bad. Dad found a parking spot for the truck and had packed a rain jacket for me. I didn't think to bring a rain jacket or umbrella on this trip because mama ain't raise no bitch but I was actually very thankful for the jacket because it rained the entire time.

Our first stop was Powell's bookstore!

Land of books!

The three of us promptly split up. We shopped around for a little over an hour. I bought 2 books, Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro ($7.50) and No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith ($4.50). Dad also bought 2 books and Cam didn't get anything. Cam and I stopped by the Rare book section of Powells. They had autographed 1st editions of the first three Song of Ice and Fire books.

Valar Morghulis

There most expensive book was History of Expedition Under the Commad of Captains Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri for a whopping $350,000. I don't think it was on display because I couldn't find it. The oldest book was De Bello Judaica (and) De Antiquitate Judaeorum Contra Apionem which I think tells the history of Jewish people.

Published in Verona in 1480

Their entire collection of rare books is valued over $1,800,000 which averages about $200 a book.

We left shortly after that. It rained but not too hard. I like the rain.

Selfie time!

It was time for a sugar fix so I found our way to Voodoo Donuts.

I know Voodoo is considered a touristy place and Blue Star donuts is suppose to be better but I don't give a damn. Not a single solitary damn. There was pretty much no line when we went inside. I got a voodoo guy raspberry filled donut, dad got a mango tango, and Camin got a pumpkin buttermilk roll.

Oh baby

They cost $12. Pretty cheap! We ate inside, they were each delicious, then I bought 2 more voodoo donuts to give the Shawna and Christine when we see them later tonight and that cost $6.

We went back to the car and looked up a place called Langlitzs Leathers. Dad did not find anything but maybe we'll stop back. After that we decided to get some tasty hot dogs for lunch so we drove over to Nick's Famous Coney Island. Dad said he used to go there back in the olden days. I ordered a bbq bacon cheddar dog.

Love me some weiner

It was very good, would recommend. Feeling stuffed, we went back to the hotel around 2:30 and got back a little after 3 where I got caught up on blogging.

Dad took a nap and I played on my phone. Cam had to remind us the time so we could leave and pick up Shawna and Christine from the airport. Dad and I left at 4:30 to go to the Portland airport. We took a wrong way and got behind on time but the girls' flight was delayed half an hour so it worked out. I haven't seen Christine in two years but she is still very pretty and kind! It took like an hour to get back to the hotel because of the traffic.

Once we got back the girls and I walked over to the Vancouver mall to drop some cash. We went to Forever 21 and I picked out a new outfit with Shawna's help. I got a black skirt, black top, forest green sweater, and purple tights. Sounds odd but it's cute. It cost around $45. Then we went to Victoria's Secret but I didn't find anything there. By then it was almost 9, AKA Mall Closing Time. Cam and dad had already eaten but we hadn't so dad drove us over to a place called Shari's that's open 24/7. I ordered a turkey burger with bacon, avocado, and cranberries (but I asked for no cranberries because I fecking hate cranberries). It took the food forever to arrive and when it did my sandwich had cranberries.

Fecking cranberries

The sandwich was very good sans cranberries. Shawna paid for our meal (because she's awesome) and dad picked us up (because he's awesome). It has been raining all day.

We got back to the hotel and I hung out in the girls' room chatting with them. It was fun! Around midnight I couldn't stop yawning so I went back to our room to hit the couch. I finished blogging today then went to sleep around 12:30.

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