Friday, October 21, 2016

Eastward Ho

The gang got up around 7:30 I think (I went back to sleep). We had breakfast in the hotel where I got the same thing as last time here, waffle and yogurt. We packed up our luggage and said adios. It was time to go home.

Except not really. Dad took a scenic detour through the mountains and we looked at the trees changing colors for fall and the Columbia River from above. It was a nice drive. We stopped at the Vista House, which is a sort of observatory that also serves as a memorial to Oregon pioneers. You get a great view of the river from there.

It looks cloudy but the weather was really nice. Not windy, not cold, not raining.

I thought this was the main attraction of the scenic drive but we drove through the forest and it was gorgeous. Everything is so green and magical!

Fairy hideaways

We kept pulling over to jump out and take pictures. I loved it! I don't know why I won't admit to myself that I love nature and I love forests. This forest had leaves as big as my head which is saying something.

We were driving for about an hour before we reached Multnomah Falls at 11:45. Dad said there are gangs that break into peoples vehicles and drive them off before you even notice. I was afraid he was gonna stay with the truck but he came with us to look at the waterfall.

It was a short walk to see the fall!

The top fall is 542 ft and the bottom in 69 (haha) ft. It started raining and the guys had umbrellas but I didn't care and was fine in my hoodie. We took pictures then we hiked up to the upper bridge.

Upper fall

69 feet drop

By now my shoes were completely soaked as was my sweatshirt. We hiked back down.

Perhaps umbrellas were a good idea.

I stopped by the gift shop but didn't get anything. I'm a picky shopper! Dad, Camin, and I got back in the truck (which wasn't broken into or stolen, thank you jesus). It rained and we didn't stop again.

From the backseat I read my Hannibal Lecter book and listened to music to kill time. We snacked on some German chocolate caramel candies Pake gave us. I ate several.

We stopped and ate Taco Bell around... I can't remember! It was still light out so let's say 4.

Then back on the road! It was raining lightly but that changed once we got to Spokane. Then it poured. And poured. And poured. All the way through Washington and all the way through Idaho. Once it got dark I could barely see the road. I don't know how dad did it. I'm an anxious driver so this was probably the least fun part of the whole trip.

We had to keep an eye on the temperature. It never dropped below 42 degrees.

Once we got to Missoula it stopped pouring rain. By then we were 2 hours outside Helena and it was 9 or 10 at night.

Finally we made it to dad's house. Hurray! Except not hurray, I don't want the trip to end. I was exhausted and fell asleep right away.

The next morning I had intentions of waking up at 7 but instead it was 8:30. We packed my car and unpacked dad's. I sat inside and chatted with Shawna for an hour. She gave me a pair of turquoise earrings that are small which was so sweet because she knew I don't like long, dangling earrings (they get caught in my hair). They are very pretty!

I gave her the bath salts I bought it Seaside. She liked them! Around 9:50 we hugged Shawna goodbye. She was going to work and Dad, Cam, and I were going to breakfast. I will miss her.

We had breakfast at a local place called Steves. I ordered a chili omelette with hashbrowns and cottage cheese. I ate half of it and only had enough room for several bites of Cam's pancakes (he's a good brother). It was a subdued breakfast. I think we were all a little bummed about the trip being over and having to go home.

A sad breakfast

The bill was $38 and Cam and I split it. We went back to dad's house to say goodbye. We were suppose to be on the road 4 hours ago but any excuse to put it off was welcomed. It took us 9.5 hours to get to Helena but I think I can get home in 8 hours*.

Then it was time to say goodbye to dad. I literally almost started crying. If I had tried to talk or looked at dad too long I would bawl. I never like it when a trip ends but you put on a brave face and go home. It just sucks 10 times worse saying goodbye to people you love. I'll go back to Montana definitely again by next summer.


What a fun trip! I have to say I have neglected spending time with the extended Nelson family and the North Pacific for too long. What the hell's wrong with me! The family is funny and welcoming. They're a bit judgmental at times but that's family for ya. We can throw a great party and I'm happy with how things went. And the beach! I feel such a pull to the sea. I am so content at the pacific. Taking trips in the fall is fantastic. Even the boring drives were fun because the trees were changing colors and everything is beautiful.

Like most trips, what really made things memorable were the people. Cam is a damn champ and such a good sport. He's always calm and chill and not gonna complain when I eat his pancakes every morning. And dad was the true force of this trip. He did all the driving, paid for everything, made us laugh. He put a lot of work into this trip and I think a lot of it didn't benefit him whatsoever which makes it all the more impressive. We are already planning more trips together in the future which is the perfect end to a vacation.

* I got home in 8.5 hours

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