Thursday, April 7, 2016

Vegas birthday

I woke up around 9 this morning. I did not feel good. But there was no barfing to be had with this girl, so cheers.

Oh and today is my birthday! I'm 24 years old! We didn't come to Vegas for my birthday, it just happened to fall on the dates chosen for Vegas. I'm happy it worked out this way!

But back to being hungover. I worked up the energy to take a shower. Apparently Kurtis blew chunks in our bathroom last night when I passed out but I couldn't really tell. I showered then went back to bed. I got out around 11 and Maria and I left to go have lunch at Shake Shack.

It's basically burgers and fries and shakes. I ordered a chicken sandwich and fries and a black and white milkshake. Maria got a cheeseburger and fries and I payed for both of ours and she got mad because she wanted to pay, stating that it was my birthday. The guy behind the counter was like "Aw it's your birthday?" And I said yep so he gave me free ice cream with rainbow sprinkles! He was so nice!

The food was delicious but I was still not feeling super so I ate about half and saved the rest for our comrades back in the hotel.

Put it in my mouth

We went back to the hotel and woke up Liz and Jim and Kurtis. We swapped stories from last night. I fell asleep first because apparently I'm a wanker but everyone else had a good time. I was the least hungover.

They liked the food we brought them back enough to go to Shake Shack for their lunch. I didn't want to go back so Maria and I took an Uber over to the Stratosphere hotel. They have rides there!

The only thing I really wanted for my birthday was to do the Skyjump. It's where you jump off of the 108th floor of the Stratospher tower. It's about an 855 feet fall. It costs $120 which I was willing to pay but Maria was on the fence. I finally told her "If you don't do it, you'll regret it forever." and she agreed. So she payed!

First, the strap you up and you can watch from the bottom as other people jump. I was more excited than nervous!

After they get you bundled in, you get escorted to the 108th floor which is like a lounge and viewing area of all of Las Vegas. I choose to jump first.

They put me in a room and rechecked my harness, making it really tight to the point of discomfort. Then they rechecked in all again. Then they walked me out onto this platform in the open air and I was starting to sweat.

The lady working told me she would count down and then I jump. I stood over the edge, ready to do it, when she said "3, 2, 1, JUMP!" and I tried to jump. But I hesitated! After I hesitated for that second I was angry at myself so I jumped off.

It's like you're flying! I let out a quick scream and than was able to relax and enjoy it! You fall very fast. The bulls-eye landing comes into view quickly and you think you're gonna slow down but you don't and it comes faster and faster until you're about 10 feet off and then it slows. The employee on bottom  yells "Land on your feet!" so I did and the impact sent an instant shock up my ankles.

"Aw FUCK!" I yelled when I hit. It hurt! My suit was also really tight and uncomfortable. It was like a 4/10 on the pain scale. A bunch of people were watching and clapped for me. I ran inside and took the suit off and grabbed my camera because Maria was coming down next. I took a video of her!

We got certificates for jumping too!

After that we went back up to the 108th floor to hang out. The view wasn't great but only because Nevada isn't pretty and also who cares. No one else came by to jump.

1, 2, 3, JUMP!

Then we left and took an Uber back to the hotel. More hanging out was done until it was time to go to our Tournament of Kings dinner at our hotel. We all met up and went into the area. When we bought our tickets, we had a choice of seat sections. The titles were Ireland, Russia, Spain, Austria, Italy, Dragon, and France. I picked Italy.

Just kidding I picked Dragon.


The show started and we were served tomato soup on cups. They don't give you silverware which is a bummer. The soup was really good.

The show story was basically this king was having a party and invited over kings and dukes from the other lands which seat section you sat in. All but dragon because dragon is not a country. Dragon was actual this evil guy who shot fire. We loved him and cheered for him very very loudly. Anyways, the kings played in a tournament and did jousting and shit on actual horses. It was fun to watch.

Finish him!

Then our dragon guy killed the king and we cheered like mad. Then I think the kings son killed the dragons son and we booed like mad. In the end the prince became the new king. Oh and they served dinner. It was a biscuit, 2 small potatoes, a chunk of broccoli, and a small chicken. The food was merely okay.

The show was an hour and a half long. After that we returned to the rooms then went over to Luxor around 8 to get to the Blue Man Group, who we were seeing at 9:30.The Blue Man Group were a lot of fun! It was more intimate than I expected. It was a party!

After the show we got our pictures with the sound crew. Then I got a picture with one of the blue dudes!

I'm so damn white

Just got a little less white

Everyone loved the show! We went back to the hotel and started to pack our bags for tomorrow. We have to leave the hotel by around 5:30. Disgusting! I hope it all goes smoothly. As for now I am done. It's 2 am.

This trip was fun, but only because of the people I went with. Maria, Liz, Jim, and Kurtis are all super cool people. I would love to take a vacation with them again some day. Las Vegas itself was all right. I mean it wasn't fantastic and nothing really impressed me, but I had a good time. I didn't gamble, not even a penny. There's plenty to do besides gamble. Oh and taking a vacation on your birthday is the way to go. This was a very happy birthday for me!

But good god did I drink too much.

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