Sunday, January 15, 2017

That midnight flight to Georgia

So much has happened since my last trip. I quit my job, dyed my hair dark, and moved to Montana. Amazing.

Since I don't have a job I have all the time in the world and since I moved to Montana I'm close to my dad so I can piggyback off of his trips. Dad had to go to Georgia for work and was like "Wanna come stay in my condo on the beach?" and I was like "Oh hell yeah". So I payed $800 and bought a plane ticket from Helena Montana to Brunswick Georgia from the 15th to the 29th.

On January 14th I packed my pink carry on suitcase with a couple outfits and spent the night at dad and Shawna's house. Dad's already in Georgia so Shawna and I had dinner and watched a movie than went to bed at midnight. I woke up at 5:30 am and got ready for a long day of flying. Shawna drove me to the airport at 6:15 which was awesome.

I was a little nervous for my flights. I'm just an anxious flyer, can't be helped. The Helena airport is so small I had no trouble getting in and finding my gate so that was a relief. We boarded the plane around 7:20. It was 5 degrees out.

Cooooooold as tits

The plane had to be de-iced but we had clear skies after that and a very smooth flight. I sipped a coffee and looked out the window.

Goodbye Montana

We landed in Salt Lake City at 9:00 am on the dot. I found my gate to Atlanta and had a 2 hour layover.

My flight to Atlanta boarded at 10:20 and departed at 11. I didn't have a window seat. I sat between two sorta cute guys so I can't complain.

I watched an episode of Chopped.

My boy Ted Allen

But that was boring so I watched Mad Max instead.

Oh, what a day... What a lovely day!

There was a bit of turbulence on my flight. Not the worst I've ever encountered but in the top 5. It worked out well with the movie. Mad Max has a lot of action scenes with people in cars trying to blow up other people in cars so it's very jerky. I felt like I was right there with Max on the front of the car.

After the movie ended I sat there for another hour. Flying is so effing boring. The flight was kinda hot and I wasn't sitting next to the window so I couldn't look out. We landed in Atlanta at 4:45 Atlanta time so I was only in the air for 3 hours. I had a 3 hour layover in Atlanta and took my time finding my gate.

I waited at my gate for maybe an entire minute before getting an alert on my phone that the flight had been delayed an hour. Damn. So I walked around my terminal and bought some food, a big bottle of water and turkey pinwheels (which is a fancy way of saying wraps) with hummus for $14

I ate it while watching other people board their flights. Pretty exciting stuff. Around 7:50 when it was almost time to board the plane was delayed another hour. They said it was for "routine flight maintenance" which padre calls "lies & bullshit!". He's picking me up in Brunswick so I've been texting updates.

Around 9:15 when we were suppose to board, the flight was delayed again. Boarding at 10 now and arriving in Brunswick at 11:15. Damn damn damn.

Then the flight was delayed another 30 minutes because "fuck you Calla, that's why". Delta set up a table of free refreshments and snacks for us sorry bastards. It didn't work to calm people down. They were getting fiesty with the employees. If I wanted to yell at the boarding pass lady I would have had to wait in line. Nearly everyone on my flight is a rich, white, middle aged person who could absolutely not handle Delta's bullshit.

While we waited I had a touch of vertigo. I seem to be getting that the older I get, isn't that odd. I hadn't eaten or drank much all day so maybe that was it. To distract myself I asked everyone close enough if they were from Brunswick and mostly people wanted to know where I was from ("Montana", I said. Sometimes they would follow up with a question about Montana that I had no idea about so I would elaborate I'm not really from Montana but I live there now). Anyway, I was really anxious about the flight and was getting myself worked up to the point I felt like I could pass out. It sounds dramatic but I was really stressed and hadn't eaten and had vertigo.

The flight got delayed again and maybe enough people threw a fit because they moved us gates. It was very close by our original gate so everyone going to Brunswick went to the new gate and we waited another half hour. We finally boarded the plane at 11:30 pm, nearly 4 hours late.

I asked the lady I sat next to what time we would land in Brunswick (so I could have dad pick me up at the airport) and she told me a quarter to one. I told her this was my first time in Georgia and I had never eaten Chik Fil A before and she was shook. We chatted the entire flight. I knew she was a kindred spirit because she has a flower name like me. Her name is Dahlia! She works as a tour guide in a fancy history museum in Brunswick so I will definately come visit her later this week.

We flew out of Atlanta at night and it was dark and you could see the lights of the city. So lovely! The flight was short as I chatted with Dahlia. We landed in Brunswick at 12:30!

I said goodbye to my flower friend and met dad outside the airport.

Happy days!! Once I saw dad I could finally relax and really feel like I was on vacation. Stepping outside and into the fresh air is such a lovely experiencing I really don't think words can do justice for this Life's Little Pleasures thing. It's heavy and smells sweeter and reminds me of being with my family in Florida. That first hit of Southern air is adventure.

I hopped into dad's car and we were off! It's now it's almost 1:00 am and completely dark outside but I saw a dead possum in the road. I feel real Southern now. The drive in the dark felt real backwater but I believe it was pretty. It will be interesting to see in the daylight. It's a very upscale area we're staying.

We got to the condo around 1 in the morning I think. And this place. OH MY GOD. I LOVE IT!

So my favorite decor/style is beach and this place is head to toe decorated in beach stuff and it's so adorable and beautiful. It has a bit of a 90's feel to it, I think it's the coloring. I don't know but I'm so happy. Dad gave me a quick tour, there's 2 bedrooms to choose from and I picked mine based on the blankets on the bed (seashells all day). Each bedroom has it's own bathroom. From the living room there's a huge view of the beach (it's too dark to see the sea but I know it's there). I'm just so happy! All I can think of is that quote "my cup runneth over" because I would have been stoked with so much less and I just love this place already. What do I do with all this happiness?! I'm so glad I get to be here and thankful dad is my dad and ahhhhh.

I was a little hungry and scarfed down a baby orange while dad heated up some spaghetti. We had some whiskey cokes and I ate my spaghetti. Life is good!

Around 2 we went to bed.

My bed on the right

I put away my clothes (which took .8 seconds as I brought 4 outfits) and finished typing up today. I went to bed around 3. I've been up for 20 hours. I still have vertigo.

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