Saturday, January 21, 2017

Oh Savannah

Had to force myself to get out of bed around 8:30. Dad made breakfast, fried eggs and toast. We ate then got ready for a day of adventure!

We left around 10 or 10:30 for Savannah. There was a gun show dad wanted to go to and then we were going to walk around. The weather is suppose to be crap this weekend with heavy storms. It was a little overcast but it was 70 degrees out and nice.

The drive was about an hour long. I looked for wild boars and gators in the swamps alongside the road but didn't see any. We made it to Savannah at noon. The gun show was at the civic center.

It cost $10 to get in and dad paid for me then we promptly split up. I think it was a big setup? I don't have anything to compare it to. There was a lot of guns and knives and guns and gun accessories and guns! My favorites were the itty bitty guns that looked like they were for prostitutes. You could hide one in a g-string.

Pew pew!

We were there for over an hour, maybe an hour and a half. I didn't buy a gun though.

We left and walked around the town! What I saw of Savannah was really nice. There were many upscale shops I can't afford anything in but I enjoy window shopping. There was some big artsy wing display painted on a wall for you to take your picture in front of so I made dad stand there.

Victoria's Secret's newest angel

Then we did more shopping! There was a fancy soap store we looked around in. Everything was pretty expensive so we left empty handed.

The honey store I went to in St Simons had a store here too. There was the honeycomb I considered buying and it was cheaper here than in St Simons. I bought it for $12.

How sweet it is

I sampled some honeycomb and apple and cheese. It was damn good.

Pooh Bear knows what's up

We made our way to an older part of town that was along the riverside. It was a very pretty area with photo opt moments.

We passed by a little gazebo looking thing that had a bell inside. It's called the Old City Exchange Bell and is believed to be the oldest bell in Georgia from 1802.

Ding dong bitches

Then you had to go down a steep cobble stoned hill to get to the river. Along the river they had lots of restaurants and pubs and shops. More touristy shops, nothing name brand. There was a monument to the slaves that were brought it and that made me a little sad.

Dad and I had lunch at a place called Fiddlers. We sat on the top deck overlooking the river and I ordered a crab stew and crabcakes for lunch.

The stew was easily the best crab stew I've ever had in my life and the cakes were good too. Dad had a shrimp and grits which was effing delicious and better than my food but it was too rich. I've matured enough as a traveller to know my dietary limits (AKA I would have gotten the liquid poops from that).

We went to a huge candy store where they make their own taffy and we had ice cream. I got cookie dough OF COURSE and paid for mine and dads, it was $8.

By now it was a quarter after 3. There was a small outdoor market we wandered through but nothing I had to have. It was still around 70 degrees and cloudy, pretty good weather. Dad and I decided to go back to the car.

Savanah has lots of tiny little parks to walk through as you cross the streets and avenues. Some of them have memorials. They're lovely, these mini parks. We stopped by one that had Tomo-Chi-Chi's grave. He was from a tribe in the Creek Indian Nation and did a lot of negotiating with English settlers, being a buddy to them, and died in 1739.

And then we found the parking garage the car was at. Literally as soon as we pulled out of the ramp it started to rain. By the time we were on the highway it was pouring! We were barely driving 40 mph in a 65 zone, visibility was shit! It rained pretty hard for a while, then let up a little.

At one point during the drive I smelled something a little unpleasant to say the least. I thought maybe dad had let one rip when the smell started getting worse. And worse. And then I was trying not to gag. The car smelled like rotten butthole!

Dad said it was called pluff mud which is like a combination of rotting vegetation and gasses of decomposed animals in the mud. Aww lawd did it stink! I tried to breathe through my mouth but then I tasted it. Cute name pluff mud, but the smell was truly a unique type of repulsiveness.

It started to pour rain again once we got to Brunswick. The hour drive from Savannah took maybe an extra half hour because of the rain (and then we smelled the pluff mud again oh god) but we made it back to the condo around 5:30. I got caught up on blogging and dad had to leave to see his coworkers.

I ate leftovers for dinner and had a Jameson and coke. Dad got back and I had another Jameson with him while we watched TV and hung out.

I took a shower and went to bed around midnight.

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