Monday, January 16, 2017

Turtle Rehabilitation

Dad woke me up a little after 8. We had coffee and eggs and toast for breakfast.

Dad throwin' it down it the kitchen

The view from the living room is top notch!

I was pumped to go exploring so we got ready and hit the beach! It's a very short walk from the balconey to the shores. There's a little water fountain and a romantic white bridge. We passed by the pool and they had two hot tubs, bathrooms, and outdoor showers there. Why anyone would bother with a pool when you're right next to the ocean is beyond my knowledge.

And then we were on the beach!

Dad and I walked along the sand collecting seashells. There are literally tons of perfect shells. On the Pacific coast I would have been excited to find a quarter of a broken shells so my standards aren't high to be honest. Here there are so many shells of different colors and sizes, a few broken but most in perfect shape.

She collects seashells by the seashore.

We also found some dead jellyfish.

Funny enough dad ran into someone he knew from Montana. It was a guy and his wife and their two small kids. The kids were very chatty and I traded some of my seashells for their rotten driftwood. I don't know if it was my best trade but they were cute.

We walked on the shore for maybe 30 or 45 mins before going back to the condo to get ready to leave. Dad and I went downtown to do some more explorin'.

There's lots of big, shady oak trees around town. We walked along the pier and stoped to see the lighthouse. Maybe I will climb it later this week.

People are fishing on the docks (I don't know what for). There's a camera downtown that films you live and puts it on the internet to watch. One of dad's buddies was watching back in Montana so we walked by and waved at him. We must have looked crazy to the people fishing but it was fun, his friend did see us!

There are lots of shops downtown and we window shopped. We stopped inside a candy store and bought some chocolate coconut, then stopepd inside a tea store and I bought some coconut black tea that makes me drool when I smell it and a tea strainer (that I've been meaning to buy for my apartment) for $18.

Then we went into a sort of antique clothing store where  tried on hats. Only a few fit my mellon head but I looked good. I've decided it's a crime that I don't wear hats.

We went back to the condo at 12, so a little over an hour downtown. Dad had to leave to see a coworker so I stayed at the condo and typed up this mornings events. I cleaned the kitchen a little and listen to 90's rap music (where I found my ending song for todays blog post).

Around 2:30 dad and I left to go to Jekyll Island. It's about a 30 minute drive. We got a little turned around on the island. It's bigger than I thought, they're like a small town. We stopped outside Horton House and walked around.

In the 1700's a guy named Major Williams Horton was given Jekyyl Island and he built this house that's still (kinda) standing almost 300 years later.

By 4:00 we found the sea turtle center! They take messed up turtles and rehabilitate them into the wild.

This big girl is Zoe

We made it for the turtle feedings and they talked about what they do at the center. It was cute place. They're doing good work! They had a turtle there that kept floating. He couldn't swim down and catch food. That wasn't cute but a little sad. They're keeping that turtle at the center until they find out what's wrong.

This little boy is Charlie

We left around 4:30 or 4:45 and went back to St Simons where we're staying. It's gotten cool and foggy out.

We hung out at the condo for an hour and a half then went back out to get food. We ordered take out at a restaurant called Southern Soul BBQ which sounded legit. After we got the food I made a quick stop to the store to get some shampoo and conditioner for a dollar each (big spender here).

Back at the condo at 7ish. Dad and I sat down at the table and had ourselves a BBQ feast!

I was way hungrier than I thought and ate really fast. It was very good! I had second helpings of mac and cheese and baked beans. Gonna be fartin' it up tonight.

I took a shower then watched some TV with dad. At 10 we called it a night and went to bed.

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