Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I found a conch shell

I didn't sleep so well last night. I've been sick with a cold since Christmas day and I was really feeling that sore throat and stuffy nose all night. I woke up around 6:30 and check to see if dad was still here but I had barely missed him, he was already off to work.

So I went back to sleep for a few more hours until I got up around 9. I had some Cheerios for breakfast and sat around the living room watching TV, playing on my phone and feeling like snot.

I left the condo a bit after 11 to walk on the beach. It's 70 degrees out and sunny! I walked in the opposite direction of yesterday then left the beach to go over to a park but saw a pest control car scoping out the area so that was my cue to leave (didn't want to get in any scuffles with a gator).

Back to the beach I went!

I walked along the water for a while. I didn't take my shoes off because there are a lot of washed up jellyfish you gotta dodge. There are also many many shells and pokey things to be stepped on.

Once I had been pretty far along the shore I stopped near some rocks to turn around. Right at my feat was a odd looking rock so I poked at it and it was a conch shell!


I grabbed it and looked around to see if anyone was gonna stop me (why am I such a suspicious person?). I am PUMPED! Remember my standards are very low, I think it's cool to find chunks of broken sand dollars on the Pacific Coast.

There was a colorful junky looking tree on the shore so I went over to investigate.

I asked some old ladies what the eff this was and they said it was a memorial. The sign says "St Simons 1 - Matthew 0". People come and decorate it. I guess that's neat.

With my hands full of shells and a conch, I decided to go back. You have to go through a locked gate to get to the property I'm staying at and dad gave me the passcodes to everything the night I got here. But the 3 digit passcode wasn't working and I couldn't get the damn gate unlocked! The fence is only 3 or 4 feet high and I could have jumped it but there were too many people around and it would have looked sketchy on my part. I texted dad to make sure I had the right code. There was nothing to do but wait.

Only a couple minutes later an elderly couple walked up to the gate so I quickly followed them and jokingly asked if they minded if they let me in.

"Are you even staying here?" The old man asked rudely.

"Pretty sure." I told him.

"Pretty sure isn't sure. What's your room number?"

I could sense this man was a bastard. "111." I told him while starring on the balconey of my condo.

He kinda laughed at me and said "I thought you were going to say 400."

There's only 3 floors to this condo place. "There isn't a room 400." I replied.

Then the lady started telling me about this time a young woman and a "bunch of kids" asked to be let in the gate but she wouldn't let them.

I asked, "You wouldn't let a mom with children in?"

She was said she wouldn't because she didn't think they were staying here. Rude! Fuck these guys. The man tried getting the gate unlocked and it wasn't working for him. I told him to try the passcode dad gave me and instead he tried every other combo he could.

Screw you guys

After maybe 3 minutes of this I was just going to hop the fence and then not open the door for them when the gate finally unlocked. It was the passcode dad gave me, the gate it just crappy. The three of us went through and I got the hell away from these old assholes. I bet they watched me walk to my room, psychos.

Back at the condo at 1:16. The shells were washed off and I had a bowl of spaghetti and watched Youtube, back to feeling like snot.

Around 4 I took a diet coke and walked over to the pool to put my feet in the hot tub to chill. I was for the most part by myself except for two kids who alternated between the tub and the pool. I stayed there for an hour! Very nice, would recommend.

Back to the condo at 5. I made myself a whiskey coke and got caught up on blogging today. Dad came home shortly after!

We chilled and watched TV. I had some spaghetti later on, took a bath, and then was literally in bed by like 10 and read a book for a few hours before going to sleep.

It was a quiet day. The most exciting thing to happen was those border patrol old people giving sass. I wish I had told them I was in room 400 or 500 to see them have an aneurysm.

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