Friday, January 20, 2017

St Simon Lighthouse

I decided on Wednesday night that Thursday would be a lazy day and that it was. I lounged in the living room and played on my kindle. In the afternoon I hung out by the pool, getting some sun, went for a quick swim. Late afternoon I walked on the beach but didn't find anything cool.


After dad got home we had a dinner of hot dogs and Brunswick stew.

The stew was a tangy (I think) pork and beans which I hate but this stew was pretty good. It was like a BBQ soup.

And then we had a quiet night reading books and watching the news. Something exciting happened, while I was reading dad suddenly shouted "That's Jill!" and I looked up and my aunt Jill was on the news standing next to Trump and Paul Ryan!


Oh shit LOOK OUT!

We had a laugh over that!

The next day I woke up around 6 to say peace out to dad as he left for work. Then I wasn't sure what to do with my day so I went back to sleep!

That was a dumb idea. I ended up sleeping until 11.

I had some cereal and leftover hot dog for lunch then got my shoes on to go back downtown.

I found the way out the front entrance of this place so I didn't have to walk on the beach. The path takes you through a nice, pretty little shaded area with a pond and gazebo.

I saw a few turtles dash into the water.

But where them gators at?

It took a little over 30 mins to get downtown so I listened to music to pass the time.

I went into a few furniture stores and looked around, talked to my mom on the phone a little, and around 1:30 went over to the lighthouse.

I payed $14 for a pass (and a $2 seashell keychain). The pass was for a 10 minute movie, entrance to the lighthouse museum, and entrance to the lighthouse. The movie was boring, just stuff like "slaves picked cotton, lighthouses are for ships".

My mind being blown

My favorite part was when they talked about one of the lighthouse keepers who was murdered there and now his ghost haunts the lightouse. I'mma look for him.

After the movie I walked over to the museum. They had some of my favorite flowers outside.

They planted these for me

Inside the museum was a friendly dude guide who asked where I was from and I told him Montana. He said something like "Oh, I thank God for our beautiful Georgia weather and not the white smog". I didn't know what to say to that so I was like "Tight." and then went through the little, 2 room museum.

They had stuff on the history of the St Simons Lighthouse. Being a lightkeeper doesn't sound as romantic and rugged and I thought. You had to keep the place spotless and light lamps and keep records and be bored and only get paid like $600 a year back in the olden days and even then that wasn't very good money.

I learned that the keeper who was killed was named Frederick Osborne. He was murdered by his assistant via shotgun in a dispute possibley over chickens in 1880.

Upstairs they had replica quarters for how the keepers used to live. There was a kitchen, parlor room, bedroom, and childrens room.

Dinner is served

That was neat. I went back downstairs and outside to the lighthouse. It's 129 step to the top!

I looked for my ghost boy Frederick but didn't see him or his chickens.

And then I was at the top! You get a view of the entire town and Atlantic sea.

Look at all those oak trees

Jekyll Island

I'm on a lighthouse

Then I climbed down and left. It was a fun experience. Would have been a 10/10 experience if I saw the ghost.

Back on sea level grounds I did some more window shopping. I went inside a little diner to get ice cream but ended up getting buffalo chicken strips instead (how did that happen).

It was a little spicey for this white girl. It cost $10.50 and I had a diet coke with it.

After my late lunch it was almost 3. I went in a used bookstore and bought a copy of Frankenstein for $5 then went to the place I got ice cream at the other day and got more ice cream, this time a strawberry cone. I ate it as I walked back to the condo.

Once dad got off work we hung out for a little minute then left to go to Brunswick for food. We had dinner at Chik Fil A! I've been wanting to eat there forever and it was worth the wait. I had a chicken sandwich, waffle fries, and a chocolate shake.

The chicken sandwich was sooo good, better than Shake Shack. I left with my belly full. We then went to the movies to see Passengers. It was playing at 6:50 and we barely made it in time.

The movie was pretty good, I liked it more than I thought I would and I had been wanting to see it for a while.

We got back to the condo around a quarter after 9. Today is the inauguration day for President Trump. In my last trip I was on the west coast watching the presidential debate between Trump and Hillary. Now I'm on the east coast watching his inauguration. Life is weird.

Anyways I went to bed around 1.

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