Saturday, January 28, 2017

Amelia Island

There hasn't been many blog updates to this trip because I haven't been up to many new and noteworthy things. On Sunday the 22nd there was a hurricane. It poured rain all day, the sky had so much lightning, and ever couple hours our phones would go off alerting us about the hurricane and advising to seek shelter immediately. I guess 11 people died in Georgia. Pretty exciting stuff!

Hurricane's a comin'

For the rest of the week I've been in the same routine. I walk the beach in search of shells,

Oops someone is living in this one

My shell collection is growing

go downtown for ice cream, and sit by the pool sending pictures to my jealous midwest friends and family.

"Hi how's the snow? =) "

I'm having a very chill week and it's been great. The worst thing to happen to me so far was getting a sunburn walking downtown on Tuesday. Also I got hit on by a cop. He stopped me and asked for my ID and I just stared at him waiting for the punchline then he goes "Cuz I been looking for someone just like you." And then laughed and I fake laughed and walked da fuck away.

On Friday two of dad's friends/coworkers had dinner with us at the condo. We had tasty calzones that were bigger than my head. Also dad's buddies are cool.

So that brings us to today, Saturday the 28th.

Dad woke me up around 7:30. He made us omelettes and toast for breakfast than we left the condo at 9. We met up with John and Matt (his friends) and the four of us drove about an hour away to Florida!

We got to Amelia Island around 10:20. It's a very cute town with lovely houses to look at and we had walked in on Saturday market. We wandered around the market but I didn't get anything. They were selling food and arts and craft stuff.

Then we went into a few stores. There was an antique store that had a lot of cute furniture and pillows and decorations that were beach themed and I wanted them but my suitcase only holds room for maybe a couple seashells. Not a new dresser.

I want this!

Then we went to an Irish store and the ladies there complimented my fishtail braid. The store made me happy because it reminded me of my trip to Ireland a billion million years ago.

After that I looked around a seashell store, then we went to a sorta fossil store that sold buddhist stuff too. I debated buying a shark tooth but didn't. I would rather find one on the beach.

Fossil store

And we walked around downtown. It's been around 50 degrees today, a little chilly for Georgia (or Florida, whatever). We went inside a visitors center and talked to the people there and a lady complimented my hair. Being beautiful is a full time job. Near the visitors center was a place for boats to dock and there was a state of some dude.

"Um, that phone looks familiar sir."

The four of us had lunch at a place called Tasty's. It was a burger shop, I got a burger and a nutella milkshake.

The picture makes it look mediocre but that's just because I suck at taking pictures. The burger was pretty good!

After eating we drove down to the beach. The plan was to find cool shit. We got there a quarter after 1.

Lookin' for cool shit

I couldn't find anything! It was cold and windy and my eyes started to water from straining trying to look at the ground for so long. Dad found a nice looking shell. I will add it to my collection! Matt found a little shark tooth so that was neat.

Dad and I are on a hunt

Didn't find anything but we're still cute

After that we decided to go back to St Simons. We hit the road around 2:15.

There was some police road block that we had to take a detour to go around. It took for-fucking-ever. To say walking would have been faster is an understatement. Dad took a nap. We listened to music. That song "Life in the Fastlane" came on at one point and I found that a little offensive.

I don't have a good concept of time so I'd say we sat in traffic for somewhere between 30 minutes or 60. We got back to the condo around 5. We were going to go out to dinner but it's Saturday night and the wait to get into any restaurant is like almost 2 hours. F that! Dad and I ate at the condo and were sad I have to leave.

Tomorrow I fly out of Brunswick at noon to Atlanta. Then from there I go to Minnesota to Helena. Should be getting to Helena and snow around 8 pm. I packed my suitcase around midnight and went to bed shortly after. I hope all my shells make it in one piece!


This was a relaxing trip! I got to hang out with my pa and walk on the beach anytime I wanted! I'm obsessed with oceans so being on the beach for 2 weeks was heaven. My favorite part about the trip was hanging out with my dad. I'm very thankful we get to do these sorts of things and trips. I didn't do a lot of blogging but I had a very enjoyable time. St Simons is a nice town but I don't think I'd live here. I'm just not a southern gal. But if I got the chance to come back I would!

Gotta steal more shells

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