Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Sunrise on the Atlantic

Today I woke up at 6:15! That's very early for me. I got to hang out with dad for about 5 minutes before he went to work. It's still dark outside. I made some eggs and toast and waited for it to get a bit lighter out.

Around 7 I left to walk on the beach at sunrise.

Now I have "watching the sunrise on the beach" to check off my bucket list. To be honest I prefer the sunset on the Pacific but this was still pretty.

Couldn't stay on the shore too long. My nose was running like Usain Bolt and I kept coughing and basically I was gross so I went back to the condo and sat around. I layed down on the couch for a couple hours and drifted in and out of sleep having weird dreams.

Around noon I felt a fair amount better so I got up and did my makeup. My hair is a frizzy mess that can't be helped so I put it in a fishtail braid. Then I changed into my outfit from yesterday because who cares. I decided to walk downtown!

If there's a shortcut from the condo entrance to the sidewalk I couldn't find it. Instead I took the long route and walked to the beach then cut through the park that the pest control car was parked at yesterday to get to the sidewalk.

The walk downtown felt like it took forever. A car honked at me and another driver whistled. I can't help it that I'm so beautiful. Even with my nose dripping snot and wearing a dirty, kinda smelly tee shirt men still flock to me.

It took about half an hour to get to the pier I was at with dad on Monday. I sat on a bench and thought about all the things I could do downtown. I went into several stores looking for a light tank top and found a nice green one that I picked a St Simons logo to be printed on it. It cost $14.

Then I went inside several stores looking for fridge magnets since I have none at the apartment but I couldn't find any. I went to a candy store and got a chocolate chip cookie and Georgia Peach ice cream and a Tabasco flavored dark chocolate candy, all for about $8. The ice cream was ok, I had higher hopes.


While I ate it I went to a restaurant called Iguana's Seafood and sat outside. There I ordered a diet pepsi and a grilled chicken sandwich.

I ate the sandwich and some fries. It was good, I would go back there again. Should have gotten ice cream after lunch because I wasn't very hungry. It cost $12.68.

After lunch I went to a honey store. It was soo cute inside, they had everything. I wanted to buy some honeycomb but it was kinda expensive. Then I wanted to buy a shirt but they didn't have the design I wanted in my size. It was a bust! I went back home after that.

The walk back felt much faster even though it still took 30 mins. I had headphones in so I couldn't hear if people were whistling or honking at my fine ass.

But I'm sure they were

I cut back through the beach and made it to the condo around 4:15. I was able to get through that gate this time, praise the lord.

I did laundry, posted the blog for yesterday, and tried on my new shirt.

Lookin dope

Dad got here around 5:30ish. We watched the news and I typed up what I did today.

I tried the Tabasco chocolate I bought earlier. Boy is it nasty!

Dad and I watched a few episodes of Vikings while I read and he did bead work. He spilled his beads and that was pretty funny, lots of swears to be had.

I went to bed around 10ish and finished todays blog. I think tomorrow I will have a proper lazy day and go swimming in the pool and work on my tan.

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