Friday, June 30, 2017

Tu mera hero

Who knows what time we woke up, I'm losing my note taking gusto. What I do know is that we had breakfast in the hotel around 9. It was a little confusing, we had table numbers that we had to go up to chefs and show if we wanted eggs. Of course I wanted eggs so I had them make me scrambled eggs.

Then we had a HUGE selection of buffet style food. I mean literally I could make a paragraph about the different drinks offered. I had black coffee, watermelon juice, and an iced coffee. 3 drinks for breakfast! Then for food I had a mini pancake and waffle with a side of nutella, some asian pasta, yogurt, fried tomatoes, hashbrowns, bacon, and an orange wedge.

EVERYTHING WAS DELICIOUS. This is probably one of the best breakfasts I've had in my life which is a bold statement. Mary Jo shared her fish and smoked chicken with me and those were both amazing too. Once we finished eating we realized there was another section to the buffet we didn't see... the bakery. So I had banana bread, a croissant, cheese and crackers, and a roll. Mary Jo and I split some donuts and pastries too.


I ate so much food but it's okay because I've lost weight this trip. I think I gained it all back with this one meal.

We went to the room and packed. I had a lot of extra space in my suitcase (because I only wore 3 outfits these past 3 weeks) so Mary Jo gave me some of her stuff to keep in my bag, like toiletries and gifts.

We had a taxi take us to the airport at 10:30.

Getting into security was fine for Sam and Mary Jo. My pink suitcase got flagged and the security asked if I had scissors with me, which I denied. They were adament I had scissors and wanted them out of the bag. Turns out MJ had these tiny baby scissors in her toiletries bag. Security took them out and showed me them. "These are scissors," they told me in a tone that suggested I was an idiot. They weren't a fan of me but they really liked Sam. He had a shirt on that said "Rice, Lentils, Power, 24 Hour" that they literally thought was the funniest thing. MJ was wearing a shirt that had a cat in a pussy hat. We look like quite the assemble.

The infamous shirts

We got on our flight and said goodbye to India. In honor of leaving this country, I made a shoddy list of all the words I've learned. Some of these are not spelled correctly, more like how they would sound if pronounced. I didn't learn reading and writing damnit.

Namaste*- Hi (or more accurately, the soul in me recognizes the soul in you)

Dhanyawad- Thank you

Aapkaisay?- How are you?

Teek hay- Good

Firangi- Foreigner

Dosa- Pancake

Paneer- Cheese

Naan*- Bread

Chai*- Tea

Sheru- Lion

Tu mera hero*- You are my hero

Dhanyabod- Thank you (nepalese)

Jam jam- Let's go (nepalese)

And there you have it. I can say 'thank you' and 'pancake'. Oh and I can count to 10. I learned a lot of other words too, but I would have to look them up. These are what I learned and can recite instantly.

On the flight I watched a few movies. I saw Lion, which is about an Indian boy who gets lost from his family and adopted by Australians, then tries to find his family as an adult.

Dev Patel is such a babe

It was good! Then I watched Arrival which is about Amy Adams and aliens. It was really good, it took place in Montana. But mostly I watched all the Netflix I've downloaded onto my phone.

We were served a meal, I had chicken and mashed potatoes and vegetables. It tasted like a microwave dinner but I didn't mind.

We had another light meal hours later. I had lasagna. It tasted worse than a microwave dinner and I minded a little.

Finally after 8 hours on a plane, we landed in Heathrow at 6 pm UK time (which is 10:30 pm Dehli time). It took about half an hour to get through border patrol then we found our bus to take us to Gatwick, since that was where we were flying out the next morning (it's so much cheaper to change airports). The bus ride was painful, I was so tired I could hardly keep myself awake. There's nothing to look at outside while driving between airports.

We got to Gatwick at 9:30 (1:30 am Dehli time) and Mary Jo got us a taxi to take us to the last destination of the night.

The Lawn

We were staying at an English guest house called The Lawn. We were arriving late (10 pm) and they'd emailed us instructions on how to get into the property and how to find our room. I memorized them on the bus ride and was able to punch in the number code and find our room keys and wifi easy enough. The room is nice and the bathroom is even nicer.

We fell right to sleep around 10:30. It's 3 am Dehli time, which is what my body thinks is true. I was exhausted.

*Okay I actually knew what these words meant long before I decided to take a trip to India. I knew "Tu mera hero" from a song I found years ago that I really liked. It's the only Indian song I knew prior to this trip and I still really like it. It's called Subha Hone Na De.

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