Saturday, June 24, 2017

Chitwan jungle ride

Woke up a little on the later side, I think around 7. Started the day off with more liquid poops. I haven't eaten cheese and I'm not even cramping, I'm not sure what's going on with my digestive track.

I had breakfast at the hotel. They had a small buffet set up for us. We're the only guests here right now!

It was eggs that were delicious, small pancakes, spicy potatoes, fried tomatoes, and toast. I liked it all. As we were eating we had to order lunch. We were having lunch at a GEEO sponsored place in the village and they needed a lot of time to prepare our food. I didn't know what to get and ordered egg veg noodles.

MJ and I went for a walk around the property to kill time. I showed her the massive snails I had to dodge last night.

Exploring the jungle

Later the group met up with this dude named Tech and he was going to give us a walking tour of the village. We looked at many a things. Tech is very knowledgeable and points out every bird and plant to us. I remembered what a banana plant was but forgot to take a picture. We saw rice fields. They grow up to 2 feet high.

We saw lots of hay piled up. They keep they hay raised because of flooding.

Hay girl hay

and we saw some fruit that is really stinky, people say, but it's not duran.

Butt fruit

and we visited a villagers house. It was very small and modest to say the least.

They use elephant grass and mud to keep it cool. There's no floor. It was humbling.

It was so hot outside. So humid. I wanted to die. I'm not getting enough sleep and am always tired. I'm sick of the food so I skip meals and I'm not getting enough nutrients. I have diahrrea and can't trust any of my farts. The word "miserable" kept entering my mind during this walk and I was very unhappy and bored. We're walking around in the blazing sun looking at piles of hay and people's mud houses. I hate this.

I saw some baby ducks and that cheered me up.

Thank you baby ducks

I don't remember what time we got back, maybe 12:30? I went straight to the room and stripped off my clothes and just chilled until I could find the energy to take a shower.

After the cold shower I felt better. So to backtrack a little bit and explain where we had lunch, we were not originally going to stay in these cabin areas at the Machan Resort. We were suppose to do a home stay. But there's too many of us and it's too hot to stay somewhere without AC, so Abhi had us stay at the resort (bless him). The homestay place has a little restaurant where we had lunch. My food was good.

It was a big portion, MJ and I could have split a dish. But I still ate most of my food.

Sam ordered an apple lassi then changed his mind so I drank it. Turns out, a lassi in Nepal is just as good as one from India. It was delicious. Diane ordered a plate of veggies and passed them down when she was done and I ate a lot of those. Cucumber, carrot, and red onion. Tasty tasty. Since we were going back here for dinner, we had to place our order then. I don't like doing this. MJ and I decided to split a dinner special, whatever that was.

We got done with lunch around 1:45 or 2:00 then we had to get ready for a safari ride.

There were two vehicles for the 11 of us group members and 3 tour guides (Abhi, Tech, and Tech's mentor). All the younger people took the first jeep and the older people took the second. Yours truly was the exception to the age rule and took the second jeep. Vanessa made a joke about her car, the first, being the cool jeep and that pissed me off. I'm sick of how our group is acting like cliques, these are teachers and they're acting like highschoolers. MJ was annoyed Sam wasn't riding with her and I so we're all off to A GREAT START.

We drove through fields and it was hot. We only had 1 guide in our jeep, Tech's mentor, and I couldn't hear him as he was in the back. So I just zoned out. I had a scarf soaked in water on to keep cool and protect my white ass from the deadly laser we call our sun.

We drove over the river and that was sorta fun. Then the "cool jeep" in front of us got stuck. This pleased me greatly.


It took a while to get their cool kid asses out of the mud. Then we were in the jungle!

Welcome to the jungle!

Then our jeep got stuck.

I guess this is karma

We got out fine. There was more driving. It was green green green.

The jeep in front of us stopped to look at a special bird. In our jeep we never saw it because they were in the way. By the time they drove off, the bird was gone. This happened with a couple more animals. Kind of a downer.

At 4:15 we stopped at a big tower to take pictures. I climbed to the top and it was a nice view of the pond.

Then we killed time. We got back in the jeeps and this time our jeep leaded the way. Hurray! We saw deer that were the third largest deer in Nepal but I didn't get a good picture. I did, however, get a good picture of this handsome fella-


We scared off the deer and rhino with our jeep so the one behind us didn't get as good a view. Karma strikes again.

Then we drove more. I got bitten by a three nasty flies. It felt like someone was pinching me.

We stopped again to look at another rhino with her baby. They were pretty far away but at least we got to walk around so that was nice. We went back to the hotel and got there around 6:45. We had spent 4 hours in the jeep and my ass was killing me.

We asked to see the elephants again and they took us to them.

She has chains on her front right leg and back left. I think it's more a practical matter, done when they're eating because they're VERY close to the road and people. They sleep somewhere else.

We had an hour to kill before going to dinner at 8.

The food MJ and I ordered was good. They brought out a huge plate of food with rice, Indian style hard boiled eggs, greens, chicken, potatoes, and some other stuff. My favorite thing was the soup.

Dinner platter


I can't remember what it was, it tasted like a broth. Abhi explained to me the process used to make the soup and it was overwhelming. It takes over 3 months to make, fermenting greens underground. It was wild.

After dinner we were served a double shot of rice wine. I've never had sake before. I did what I do best and drank the whole thing in one go. It tasted like cheap vodka. I felt very flammable after.


We finished dinner around 9. Then we did what our group does best- stand around. I got impatient and MJ and I walked to the end of the driveway to look at the stars. It's a very clear, beautiful night. When we got back our group was lowkey annoyed we had wandered off for 26 seconds. We were saying goodbye to Tech and his mentor. Godspeed boys, I said like 3 words to the both of you.

We went back to the hotel and I had a Machan Special drink, which was whisky and lime and something else (I have a lot to remember, okay?! It's hard to keep notes of all this).

It's whisky, that's all that matters

And Sam, MJ, and a couple other ladies hung out. There were these giant cockroaches running around on the ground. They would just take flight for the hell of it, and every now and then when one took flight then would land on us. These Boeing cockroaches were huge and kind of mean. They would latch onto us and I'm not sure what they were doing but it hurt a little. It was scary.

We wised up and got the eff out of there, going back to the rooms. I chilled on the kindle, typing away, when I glanced over and saw a massive lizard on the wall. As soon as we made eye contact he ran away behind the curtains (which were next to my bed). I was too scared to fight him. MJ got back to the room later and I told her about our roommate Godzilla and she said she found him in the bathroom. I took a peak and it wasn't the same lizard. Now we have TWO LIZARDS in our room.

I went to sleep after 11:30

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