Thursday, June 22, 2017

Crossing the border to Nepal

Yesterday we had to get up 4 and that was a thing. Today we had to get up at 3:30.

We left our hotel and we left Varanasi. I'm a bit relieved. This is a very beautiful city but maybe too much for me. It's shining light on dark places part of me wants to keep dark. Lately I've been thinking about dying from a spiritual standpoint because of this city and I hate it. I can't differentiate between spirituality and religion and I want to reject both notions.

We took a van to the train station. Not only were we leaving Varanasi, but India too! I didn't feel like I got to give India a proper goodbye but then I remembered I'm coming back here near the end of my trip.

We got on the train around 5. The hotel had packed us a breakfast which included a banana, a muffin, a sandwich with cheese and a weird tomato paste thing, and a hard boiled egg. I picked at it then fell asleep for lack of anything better to do.

I slept on and off until I got too bored to do that. Then I listened to music and looked outside. Apparently near the train tracks is prime real estate for taking your morning dump. I saw so soo many men squatting. Easily over double digits. Not the way I want to spend my morning train ride but there you have it.

There's not much to say about the ride. It stopped a lot and was dull. Someone asked about my blog and I had that "Uh oh" moment because while this blog isn't exactly a secret, it also kind of is. People want to read it and I need to talk them out of that. I think they imagine it's this serious thing I do while in reality I'm talking about people pinching loafs on the side of the tracks. And how am I suppose to talk smack about people on here when they're annoying if I know they're going to read it later? I feel like I have to choose between being polite and boring or true to myself. And I already know I'm going to do the latter. So if you're not my mom or dad, know I have no intention of you reading this. You're welcome to read on but check those expectations and personal feelings at the door.

The scenery changed a bit. Less shitting and more farmland and greenery.

We got off the train around 12:30 and holy shit was it hot outside. I had a spaghetti strap shirt on and a sweater over it (because it's borderline scandalous to show your shoulders) and was sweating like a mofo. We got into the van and the AC barely worked. I think I fell asleep as my body's natural defense to save me from this hell.

We stopped at a little roadside restaurant at 2:30 for lunch. I didn't want to eat and was annoyed we were even stopping. It's hot outside, it's hot in the van, it's hot in the restaurant. I ordered bread with butter for lunch so I would have something to do with my hands.

My fucking bread was the last thing to be brought out. I thought they had forgotten about it and was glad I didn't have to eat. And it was goss. They made like butter sandwiches and the butter was really sweet and I couldn't scrape it off. I bought a bottle of water and my bill was 150 rupees and our server never brought me my change (you tip 10% here so  I only lost like, 30 rupees which is $1 but still god damn).

We left and I fell asleep in the van. It's so uncomfortable. My legs touch the seat in front and my knee still hurts from hitting it on the boat in the Ganges. At one point our driver slammed on the brakes because we almost hit a cow.

Closer to the Nepal border, there are millions and billions of trucks pulled over on the side of the road. Apparently they are waiting to cross the border and they can wait for days.

Poor bastards

We got to the Indian immigration site around 4:20. Instead of blazing it we got out of the van and had to walk across the border. Abhi hired rickshaws to carry our luggage. Some of us (looking at you Theresa and Kristina) overpacked.

Lol whose pink suitcase is that

Then we crossed over to Nepal at 4:50!


Then we had to pick up our visas (we got those done online for India, here we had to get them in person). I filled out some paperwork, waited in line for maybe 20 minutes with my group, paid a $25 fee, and got my visa sticker in my passport. Yay! If you don't count America, Nepal is my 11th country to visit.

We got on a new bus and this one is nice. The ac works and we have room to spread out. We're only a 20 minute walk from India but the atmosphere in Nepal is already different. Not to rag on India, but Nepal is clearer, quieter (no cars honking!), and the buildings all look like they've been kept up better. The people look different too. People look more asian.

We got to our hotel at 6:30. It's a nice hotel. Looks nicer than a lot of American hotels. They said they have free wifi in all the rooms but I've been hurt in the past. I know better than to get hyped about broken promises.

And I was right to check myself. The wifi works for most guests but for those losers like me, it's spotty on my kindle and slow on my phone. No blog updates. I'm 6 days behind now. Get fucked AT&T.

I showered and attempted in vain to get connection on my devices.

At 7:30 we had dinner at the hotel. I ordered a peach margarita and it was ok. I haven't had booze in a long time. I think they forgot the peach part but they remembered the tequila part and isn't that all that matters? Then we ordered food and the servers never took my order, like they just ignored me. So I decided to have alcohol for dinner and was pretty okay with that tbh. Mary Jo shared some of her food with me.

Anyways we didn't leave that restaurant until like 9:20. It took FOR FUCKING EVER to get the check. The staff seemed confused by us. I was really impatient and just had them charge my stupid drink to the room.

So yeah that's the day I had today. Mostly frustrating but glad to be in Nepal. Now I can end the blog with Nepalese music!

I went to sleep at 9:30. Pretty early but I'd been up since 3:30.

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