Thursday, June 29, 2017

Aerocity is weird

Up around 6:30 today. I met Mary Jo down in the hotel restaurant for breakfast. They had mashed potatoes for breakfast. It was strange but I approve of this.

Had to ask to make sure these were green beans and not peppers

It was good. We got our stuff packed up shortly after then left the hotel at 10 for the airport.

We were flying back to Dehli. We got checked into the airport easily enough. Abhi suggested we give it 3 hours but we could have done it in 1 hour. There was a lot of waiting around for us.

When we first got to the airport we had to go through security. They let my water bottle through but I had to get felt up by female security. Then when we got to our gate we had to go through the same process again. Then before we could go on the plane, like literally outside right in front of the plane, we had to go through the same security a third time. My bottle of water was fine the entire time.

On the flight we had to wait more. From the window I watched some dirty hippie white guy take pictures outside the plane. After like 30 minutes that guy got onboard. He took his seat and we had to wait seriously another 20 minutes because I think that dirty hippie was being difficult. He had 3 flight attendants with him trying to explain something, I don't know. I hate him. I watched the Netflix I had downloaded earlier to kill time.

I continued watching Netflix. Around 2 we were served full cans of Stella beer. That was strange but I approve.

Then they gave us a meal. Seriously this flight is only like an hour and a half. The food was Indian of course but they gave us a KitKat which I would never eat in the States but here I was grateful for the chocolate.

We landed back in India and our clocks went back 15 minutes. We went back through the Visa Control area and everything went fine. We were staying at a hotel in Aerocity, which is I think just a nickname as we were still in Dehli. It's like airport city. When we drove up to the hotel gates we had to stop the car and guards searched the engine and trunk. Our hotel was the Holiday Inn. Can't get much more patriotic than that!

What the hell

Before we could go inside the hotel we had to go through security which consisted of bag check and getting the pat down behind closed curtains. I'm starting to get used to all this touching, yikes. It took a moment for Mary Jo to get us checked in. The staff was overly friendly. They kept offering to help me or give me free drinks. They took our luggage up to the room.

The room is very nice! We look over the pool. The three of us our sharing the room, they brought us an extra cot for Sam to sleep on. We hung out for an hour. My kindle wouldn't connect to the wifi so I'm now like 11 days behind on the blog. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkk

Mary Jo and I left to explore the hotel! The pool is nice, it has cold water. There is also a pretty decent workout center, gendered saunas and steam rooms, 2 restaurants, 2 gift shops, and an alcohol free bar. Apparently a couple months ago there was a Supreme Court ruling that banned alcohol in Aerocity. I bet the bar here was pissed. It's a very nice bar and all they serve is juice and mocktails.

We left the hotel to explore down the road. There's 3 large building complexes. Building 3 is for clothing, Building 2 is for food, and Building 1 is (I think?) offices. We choose door number 2!

We had to go through security again (you know the drill) and then we were inside. This place is weird. I don't know if it's under development or finished. Obviously this place was meant to hold a lot of bars but the Supreme Court shot that idea down. There were 3 floors, the first 2 held nothing but advertising of the building itself. The 3rd floor had oven a dozen counter service options for food. They had a Subway and Pizza Hut and a bunch of things I didn't recognize.

With our new food information, we went back to the hotel. Had to go through security again of course.

We watched Zero Dark Thirty with Sam in the room. The film takes place in Pakistan but damn it looked like India. Kind of a strange movie to watch, considering where we were.

It got dark at 7:30. We left at 8 to go back to the food court building and back through its security. Then we had to decide on what to eat. I can't do anymore Indian food, I just can't. I'd rather go without food. So we got a veg pizza from one place and Indian food from another.

It was alright. We ate then got ice cream at a knock-off Coldstone Creamery called Oh So Stoned. I had chocolate peanut butter!

Whoa there

Oh my

We ate our ice creams on the way back to the hotel. We had to go through security again. I was eating ice cream while getting the pat down. That's 8 times today we got patted down.

Back in the room, I showered and played on my phone. I think we went to bed around 10, I don't remember.

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