Thursday, June 15, 2017

Pink City of Jaipur

I was up early again today. I went to the lobby and did boring blog stuff before having breakfast at 7:30.

They had pasta which was odd but I love my carbs so I got some. It was really good. The orange fruit was gross but everything else was a solid medium. I watched Indian music videos while I ate.

It was going to be a hot and gross day in Dehli. I checked the weather forecast and we were in triple digits most of the afternoon.

Mmm, haze

But it didn't matter today. We were leaving Dehli and going to Jaipur. The bus ride would be several hours long. I expected I would die of boredom half an hour in so I downloaded some episodes of House and Cards to save me. Netflix works in India but one of the ladies was saying Hulu does not. I had already downloaded episodes of The Office and first tried to download more, but it wasn't available in India so House of Cards we go.

Abhi talked to us on the drive. 65% on India is rural. So far we've only experienced the other 35%. I took notes on what he was saying but the bus ride is so bumpy. My handwriting looks like I have a vague idea of what letters look like

Jaipur is the capital of Rajashan. Raja means royal and shan means city, so it's literally Royal City. Some royals used to live here a bunch of years ago. It's also called the Pink City which I was hyped about but it turns out pink is the color of hospitality and it was named that for some reason with the royals welcoming people. Abhi said it should be called the Terracotta City because that's what everything is made out of, that brownish red color.

Anyways, in Rajashan it's illegal to kill cows because they're holy and cows just roam around as they please (whereas in Dehli they made it illegal for livestock to be out on the streets). Everyone was excited about seeing some holy cows.

We left Dehli around 8 or 9.

We passed by a Hindu temple and it was very colorful and pretty.

At one point we were driving and the lanes turned into a 18 lane road and that was dope.

Abhi talked to us about Kali and someone asked if that was where I got my name. I told them no, my name is actually Greek. someone asked if I was Greek and I told them no, I'm Scottish. People stopped asking me questions after that.

Kali is a really confusing god. She is Shiva's wife and takes many different forms. My takeaway is she is good. She eats demons.

We saw a couple herds of sheep and everyone got excited. That tells you how boring this bus drive was.

We saw holy cows too and everyone about lost their shit. Our bus driver was nice enough to pull over so we could get pictures.

I like their little feet.

We drove by a car full of ladies. They were all dressed so colorfully MJ took their pictures and the girls totally caught her doing it but they were cool and some smiled and laughed.

I watched The Office and listened to music.

Around noon we stopped for lunch. I didn't sit with the family because I don't want any of us to get sick of each other and I feel like I shoud be socializing with the group independently more. Very mature of me, right? Well I ended up listening to people talk about their religion. It was so boring.

I had a lassi for sweet lunch. It cost 90 rupees.

And I ordered channa masala which was a chickpea dish. One of the women at my 4 top table ordered egg samosa and split it with me.

I've never had a samosa before and it was really good.

Everyone at our table ended up sharing food. I lucked out too because my channa masala was really gross.

I'm pretty sick of Indian food already. I just wish I could have some spaghetti and a salad.

We were back on the road after that. Some of the people took naps but I couldn't sleep. So I looked out the window and thought about spaghetti.

There was a lot of traffic. Cars are constantly honking at each other. The bigger trucks, the ones transporting things, have these black tassels dangling on them. They're there to protect the vehicle.

Be safe!

We got to the hotel at 4pm. It's a very nice hotel! MJ and I are bunking together again. We are on the 7th floor and the elevators had a long line so we took the stairs. I didn't regret this until I was at the 6th floor and had another flight of stairs to go.

We made it to the room and I was feeling pretty lightheaded so I took a snoozer. MJ woke me up at 5:30 to meet our group in the lobby. I seriously considered skipping so I could stay in and sleep but my mama didn't raise no little bitch so I got up and met my group.

We went walking! It was hot hot hot.

We went under this big gate thing.

City Wall of Jaipur

And we walked around this market area. It was very exciting! There were people selling spices and food and chai, and cars honking, and cows running by. The smell of spices was intense at times. I could also smell straight up shit at a couple points.

Dude selling flowers

There were chillies you could smell the heat coming off of.

Street chai

I like to watch them eat

what is this

what is that

Abhi took us to a temple and it was neato.

We climbed some steep steps to get on the roof. You can see a bit of Jaipur for there.

A holy dude was playing drums.

Get some

We left the temple and walked by one of the flower stalls. Abhi and the seller exchanged words then Abhi bought us each a necklace of flowers.

Smells better than the poop

It was jasmine and smelled so pretty!

We walked over to a market area and were set lose to do some shopping. There was nothing I wanted but here's some pictures of what was being sold-

Probably not nazi books

deez (coco)nuts

Abhi had several of these bike carts (rickshaws) waiting for us. Sam and I rode in one together. Someone asked if we were having a race and Sam said we were going to win. I think our driver heard because we were dead last the entire ride.

It was fun I guess. We took some sharp corners and Sam and I were leaning as not to tip the damn bike.

Trying not to eat pavement

Get out of the way cow!

The sun sets on Jaipur

Around 7 we got off those damned bikes. My bum was sore. We stopped outside a movie theater and vendors flocked to us. MJ talked to a guy selling these creepy ass puppets. She reminds me of my mom. I remember being in New York and my mom would get pulled into people and their pamplets.

A younger guy walked up to Sam and shook his hand and asked for a picture. People do this a lot. After they take a picture with Sam they ask me for one so I just walk away and pretend not to have heard.

We went to dinner after that. Good lord it was hot out! I could feel the sweat slid down my back like a bug creeping down my spine.

Anyways dinner was at 7:30 and outside. They brought us fans and that was really nice. I didn't want to pass out after that.

I ordered a sweet lime soda and they brought me a bottle of soda water and my own lime juice and syrup to mix. I felt so fancy.

I didn't have an appetite. It's too hot and I'm so sick of Indian food. I ordered soup and a salad. While we waited for food, the restaurant put on a little show for us. They had these three ladies dancing and it was very cool.

Then they brought people from our group up to place these bowls on one of the girl's head and she balanced a bunch of bowls and danced. Sam and MJ both went up and they asked me but I said nah. Then they made us all go up and dance together. It was cute, everyone was a good sport.

At 8:30 our food arrived!

My "salad" turned out to be slices of onion, tomato, and cucumber. I was told not to eat raw fruit or veggies but of course I had forgotten that tidbit until now.

That's not a salad

And my soup was gross. It was minestrone but they added a bunch of Indian spices.


Everyone is really good about sharing so I ate everyone else's food. There was nothing I really loved. I liked the garlic naan best.

Overall dinner was a bust for me. I really want a salad with lettuce.

Abhi called us some tuk-tuks to ride back to the hotel. Now this was fun!

Tuk and roll!

Tuk-tuks are more like ATV's than an actual car. We were weaving in and out of traffic and it felt like a Mario Kart game. At one point our driver swerved off the road and down some dark alley. I looked behind us and the other tuk-tuks didn't follow. We just drove down a dark alley for a bit then came out and drove straight into oncoming traffic. It was a blast! We arrived at the hotel. Our driver was street savvy and knew a shortcut apparently.

We got back around 9:30 and went to the hotel bar. There I had a vodka soda and hung out with Sam and MJ. They're very fun to be with. Both very witty and intelligent people. MJ and I left to go to bed and Sam stayed to watch a cricket game on TV.

So much for a sober vacay

I went straight to bed I was so tired. I think I fell asleep at 10:30.

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