Monday, April 4, 2016

Viva Las Vegas

I don't really remember how this trip came about. I think Maria and I were hanging out one day and someone said "Let's go to Vegas" and the other person was like "Sure".

Then last January we bought plane tickets for cheap dates and booked our hotel. My flight cost around $130 and the hotel is $130 a person. Oh, and we invited four other people along. So there's six of us total. That's why the hotel is cheap because we're splitting the cost. The people going are Maria and I, this married couple Liz and Jim who we're friends with (they were the married couple we hung out with in Germany), this guy Kurtis who is Maria and married couples friend, and Todd from Germany! Todd is not actually from Germany, I think he lives in Idaho or Ohio. He was the dude Maria and I hung out with in Aalen. Anyways, he and Maria stayed in touch after we got home from Europe and she invited him along.

I packed a little bit last night then I finished this morning. The weather should be in the 80's all week so I brought shorts and tank tops. I had to be up at like 6:30 this morning because I was picking up Maria and she had errands to run in Rapid (our flight doesn't leave until 6 pm). We ended up spending several hours trying to find things to do in old Ragged Shitty to kill time. Around 4 we finally met up with Liz, Jim, and Kurtis at the mall. Kurtis left his car at his aunts house and I drove us all to the airport.

We got through security fine and hung out for an hour. The only flight leaving was for Las Vegas. Kurtis dared Maria to shout "Were going to Disney World!" and she dared him not to shout. We boarded the plane at 6! Maria and I sat together and the other three didn't reserve seats so they were way far back.

The flight was so boring I almost died.

Is this the Grand Canyon

It was a two hour flight. After an hour I made Maria play a card game with me to pass the time. I taught her how to play gin rummy and she taught me speed. Around 8:20 we landed in Las Vegas! Except we went back an hour so it's 7:20 Vegas time.

Time to sin.

We got off and were greeted by slot machines. Ah, just like home!


Jim ordered us an Uber (it's an online cab company when you order rides). It cost $10 for each of us. Our Uber driver drove us to our hotel but along the way we saw fun things like the MGM hotel.

Lion sounds!

We got to our hotel and I went to go check us in with Liz. I put a room under her name so she had to check in too. After waiting 10 minutes in line, it was our turn. But when I checked in the front desk lady said the only reservation under my name had been cancelled. I was confused because I hadn't cancelled my reservation (obviously). Since it was booked through I had to call them and find out what the swear word happened. I called and they said I had cancelled the reservation the day after it was made and they refunded me. There was nothing they could do at this point. I never cancelled and I don't remember if the money was refunded or not, as it happened last January and I'm a twat about math and figuring my bank account.

So I'm rightfully freaking the hell out here. I went back to front desk and made new reservations and guess what. They made me new reservations and they're cheaper than what I paid for on can go suck it. Now when we split the room 6 ways, it comes out to 110 a person. It's $20 cheaper. Hallelujah. After that we got checked in fine.

We checked out our rooms and they're hotel rooms, what more can be said, when Todd came over. The gang's all here! The six of us wandered over to a liquor store. Rum, rum, whisky, and two 30 plus cases of beers were bought. I bought a diet coke and found some "business cards" with naked ladies on them.


Our hotel is the bouncey castle looking building in the middle

We got back to the hotel and designated mine and Maria's room as the "party room". The rooms don't have fridges so we filled our garbages up with ice. While walking through the halls with garbage ice, we passed by a room being cleaned. Outside of the room were over a 20 beer cans, not opened. We stole about a dozen, oops.

The next couple hours consisted of playing drinking games and getting drunk. It was fun!

Around 11 we decided to get food. Everyone went down to a burger place in the hotel and Todd and I shared chicken strips (I was drunk enough that I didn't feel hungry). Then the plan was to go on the strip more but Maria and I were exhausted. It was midnight, 1 am South Dakota time. We had been up for 19 hours. We went to bed. Todd is actually staying with his parents (they're in Vegas for the week too). He's staying at MGM and was sober enough to return to his hotel, which was good because it meant Maria and I don't have to share a bed. He might still pay for his share of the rooms though. I don't know. It's 1 am and I'm exhausted.

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