Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bellagio and Mirage

Off to a lazy start this morning. I slept until 9:30 and it was 10 before Maria and I left the room. My legs were sore! I found an ugly bruise on my calf.

Who did this?!

We had breakfast up at the food court. I had this dry breakfast sandwich.

Needs ketchup

We met up with the others, chilled, then had lunch at the food court. I took it back to the room to eat there. Halfway through I took a nap.

Maria came and napped too. Sometime later we met up with everyone but Jim (who had a video interview at 2) and went back to the food court to sit at a bar. I had an italian margarita for $5.

It was good. After that Liz and Maria bought a 100 ounce margarita. It was not good but it was big.

We killed more time, snacked more, then met up with everyone and bought tickets for shows tomorrow. We decided on the Kings Tournament and Blue Man Group. It was a total of $110 for the tickets which is not bad considering Blue Man Group on its own is $130 and Kings is $65.

Around 4 we left the hotel! We went to New York New York to ride their roller coaster. It cost I think $10 a person. Todd and Kurtis opted out so the remaining four got seats. The ride was painful! But fun. I love me some roller coasters.

We walked up to the Bellagio and saw the fountain show. It was okay, not that exciting.

Then we went to Mirage and saw the volcano show. More exciting than the fountains, but also okay.

By now everyone is bitchin' and moanin' about eating again. So we stopped at a food court and I split a subway sandwich with Todd and also got a chili hot dog because why not.

Love me some weiner

After eating, the gang wanted to go to this whisky tasting room. It was called Vom Fass and it was badass.

They had all sorts of whisky, bourbon, vodka, gin, wines, etc. The people were so friendly and knowledgeable. I tried a grapefruit vodka and a couple whiskys. All of us tried absinthe too! It was fancy as hell. They dripped water over a sugar cube and into the absinthe and it tasted pretty gross.

When we left Kurtis stole the shot glass we tried our drinks in. He put it in my bag and it bumped into the shot glass that I stole. Liz and Jim bought a bottle of absinthe. After that we went to go find a Walgreens to buy more beer and water. On the way we passed the Bellagio again and saw the fountain show. It was way better at night!

Cue Time To Say Goodbye (Con te partiro)

We found our Walgreens and passed by an ugly Elvis statue. It actually wasn't a statue, it was a person that pretended to be one and then scared you when you didn't expect it. I found that out the hard way.

So we get our beers and water and go back to Excalibur. And the drinking starts....

The six of us played drinking games and acted like drunk idiots until midnight. Then it was my birthday! So I made everyone do two shots and that's when the night took a turn. It was a lot of fun! This is a very fun group of people.

We got McDonalds but they didn't have bagels so I walked out pissed. I went back to the hotel and passed out by myself because I was fucked up. It was 2 am.

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