Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The groping of the guards

I made myself get out of bed at 9. I had a dream last night that Maria was like "I can't do this anymore, I'm going to go back home." and I responded "Yeah, I understand what you mean." So we went to the airport and I was like "See you around bitch." And then I went to Berlin by myself. Last night when we were at a low she mentioned how she was ready to go home and she just wanted a hug from her mom. It sounds all sad but I couldn't disagree more. Even though we've had a rough past couple days, I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world and am sad to have reached the halfway point.

Anyways, we had breakfast at the cafe in the hostel. This hostel has its own style whereas the last one had no feeling.

Breakfast was pretty good. We paid 55 kronas, or nearly 7 dollars, for a waffle, fruit, and yogurt and tea.

It was a decent amount of food and I was full. We decided to visit the Stockholm royal palace and see the changing of the guards. I have no idea what that means but Maria was really excited to see it. When she was at Buckingham Palace she missed it because of rain and was really looking forward to seeing it here.

We got a little lost trying to find the palace. Unlike the Norwegian one, the Swedish palace was kind of in the middle of all the other tall buildings in the city. You would think a palace would stand out a little more.

We crossed bridges and saw a lot of buildings.

I don't know where we are.

This could be anything.

We finally decided to follow a crowd of people who were most likely going to the palace. And they were! They led us to a part of the palace, some side part I guess. There was a lady guard out in front and people would walk up and ask if they may take their picture with her. She would nod her head yes. I have to be honest and in hindsight this sounds stupid. I assumed we could just wait her and watch this lady be replaced by another guard. Maria said this wasn't the right place and we left. We asked for help and an employee pointed us the right direction. Then we were at where the changing of the guards happens!

It was 11:30 and it started at 12:15. There was a gift shop and I had some Swedish kronas to throw down. The shop was cute and had lots of delicate gifts. I bought 2 postcards, a small jar of honey with champagne, and a box of truffles for my mom. It all cost 180 kronas, or 22 dollars.

While I was in line I saw people in blue uniform marching by the window.

"Maria it's starting!" I yelled in the gift shop (silly Americans). She ran out and got us a place IN FRONT. I finished paying and got behind Maria where the crowds were getting bigger. Out of nowhere it started to rain and half the crowd left for cover. People pulled out umbrellas and it was so awkward and funny. Umbrellas were stabbing people in the eyes and the wind was blowing too hard so umbrellas would be turning inside out. It was a mess. Then a guard came by and told everyone to put their umbrellas away because they may scare the horses. I didn't know there would be horses.

They it started! The people I saw march by the window came marching out. They got really close!

Too close actually. They stopped in front of us and then took a step back. Everyone in the front row had to step back and it was really awkward and funny. There was a guy right in front of Maria and her hand accidentally grazed his ass when he took a step back.

Sorry about the butt touch sir.

We could not stop giggling and I felt bad. I didn't want the guards to hear and think we were laughing at them but that guy must have felt it. He (or we I guess) was standing so close I could see the detail of his white gloves.

Then some horses came out. First a white one with some guy leading, then a black Clydesdale, then three more white ones, followed by a lot of brown ones. This seemed racist the group the horses by color with the whites leading.

Teaching animals to be racists, for shame.

It was exciting and I didn't know what the frick frack was going on. All the horses marched by us again then stood with their backs to us.

Ass everywhere.

Someone in the guards was yelling commands and the people would drop their guns or turn their heads to the right or left. It was fun. While the band was playing I started taking a video when my iphone had a little popup message that I had run out of space. What the hell iphone?! I checked my usage and yep, I had used up all my space. I left to find a quiet area and started deleting apps and some photos to clear up room. I found 2.1 GB more space which should get me through the rest of this trip. I've taken about 500 pictures so far and we're halfway done. I could take about 750 more before my phone runs out of space.

Once the changing of the guards finished (it last 20 to 30 minutes), we walked around the palace more. I'm not sure if we were actually in the palace but we went to the treasury and the royal chapel.

Royal chapel

The royal chapel was beautiful! It had big high ceilings and all this artwork and detail. Front and center was this sweet marble design thing.

A bit religious for my taste.

We left for the "stables". Again I'm not sure if this was actually in the palace or what but it was underground and there was this little museum showcasing the different carriages and sleighs the royals used back in the old days.

I prefer flying.

It was neat. We left and found another museum. I went inside and they had lots of stuff here. You first enter and you're greeted by suits of armor and horses armor.

They had swords and more armor. My favorite part was the clothing.

Fashion baby.

And then they had a section dedicated to the children and that was cute. It had clothing, toys, little suits of armor...

I whole time I was in here I was never really sure if I was allowed to be here. There were a couple tour groups listening to a tour guide. I minded my own business and didn't try to join in anything, just blend into the background. The last room was small and all about jewelry. There was a group in there so I didn't go in.

When I was leaving I found an upstairs! This was about royal deaths, right up my interest alley. I should note now that I do not support monarchy and I think it should be done away with, it's so archaic. Anyways this had displays of what horses would wear when they carry off the casket of the dead royals. They also had several fake coffins. Inside the coffins was a black and white photos of dead bodies. For example, King Karl XI, King of Sweden, had his coffin opened in 1886. Why? I don't know, I assume it was to make sure he wasn't a vampire. Then they opened it again in 1910 to take a picture. Why? I have no clue. To make sure he still wasn't a vampire I guess.

Probably not a vampire.

Everything was in Swedish but the longer descriptions had an English counterpart. But the cases that held smaller items or multiple items behind glass didn't have English descriptions. So it was a quick trip. They had a display of a bloody cloth used on some royal guy that died. I liked this better than the pictures of dead bodies because at least this was real.

More of this please.

At the end they had a little play area for children that had dress up clothes and a throne to sit on. You'd be fooling yourself if you didn't think that I would walk out of there and not dress up.

I don't want to be a queen. I want to be the queen.

We left and while we were leaving Maria saw a sign that said the museum we were just in cost whatever kronas, or the equivalent of 12 dollars. "Yikes" I told her and laughed. Then I walked us out of there quickly.

I wanted a burrito because I had seen a burrito food cart. I couldn't find the cart because I'm terrible with directions but I did find Old Town or Gamla stan. It's like old Stockholm.

This but more alleyways and smaller streets

We wandered into some touristy shops and I got a plate for 25 kronas or 3 dollars. After I bought it I realized I only had about 60 kronas left, which is 7.5 dollars. I was broke again. What else is new.

We left Old Town in search of a bank. We ended up back at the train station where Maria and I exchanged the rest of our Norwegian kroners for Swedish kronas. I got my wallet filled and was ready to party. Or at least treat myself to a nice lunch.

Which is what we did! By now it was 2:30 and we found a nice restaurants called Hos Frank. The menu was hard to decipher but I know what pesto pasta is. It was 99 kronas and so tasty.

As god as my witness, I'll never be hungry again.

I don't know what dressing the salad had but it was good! I love salads. And then I took a bite of cilantro and just about died. The pasta was delicioso. I love pasta.

We left, found a candy store, dropped more kronas, and ended up back in the hostel room and hung out for a while. I got caught up on my blogging, Skyped my mom, and wrote my postcards. One if for my dad and one is for... I didn't know who to pick so I picked Camin again since I hadn't written to him since Ireland. I couldn't find a post office or a place that sold stamps in Norway so I'm still carrying those cards with me too. Crap. Now households are going to be receiving a postcard for Norway and Sweden at the same time. How will they even know where I'm at?!

'Where can I buy stamps? Hope this finds you okay. Love, Calla'

There was suppose to be a concert in the courtyard at 7. I showed up to some ghost concert.

I love this song.

I guess it was cancelled, boy do I feel cool for sitting outside waiting.

We killed time for another hour. I repacked my suitcase. The clothes that were near my Lush bag now reak of the bathbombs. Once I was done I realized I hadn't packed the gifts I bought at the Palace gift shop. Damn.

Honey with champagne and a box of truffles. Classy classy.

It was 8:00. Earlier this morning Maria and I bought tickets to attend a Swedish meatball class dinner. It was a cooking class. We were the first to arrive (aka we're losers) until these two British girls showed up and we made friends with them.

More people arrived and we made friends with more people. In total 15 people were in the cafe for the cooking class. This guy Daniel, who works here, was running the show. We started our dinner party to a song and drink. The drink was a schnapps and everyone was like "This taste like vodka is this vodka I think this is vodka". Then we sang a song.

Together now! One two three-

It was fun! The song was a bit Swedish gibberish (English to "Everyone sing tralalala"). Then we had apps which was a Swedish sandwich. A Swedish sandwich is some cracker, cheese, and dressing. Except the Swedish words for all those things. I got cheese, herring, and mustard.

Put this in your mouth and eat it.

It was whatever. I sat next to a guy from the US and made friends with him. A lot of people here were from the US. Everyone was friendly and happy.

Then it was balls time! Daniel the cooking host taught us how to make Swedish meatballs and all I can say on the matter is this: this class is for idiots. To be fair, our class was a little bit on the short bus side. Someone asked "Why do the balls have to be the same size?". I just had to shake my damn head and do cleansing breathes. Daniel, poor soul, had to explain "So they cook evenly."

The meat was half beef and half pork, my two least favorite meats. I put the dry mixes in and got to mixing.

The only balls I've handled this whole trip.

After a while we had balls everyone.

Oh gross.

Then it was sizzling time! I commanded the frying pans and cooked us up some Swedish balls. Once they were done I put them in another pot and was ready to cook a new batch. Daniel was like "Do you know how to put them in?" And I didn't know what to say. I probably should have said "Yes Daniel I'm not an idiot like everyone else here." But Daniel was kinda frazzled. Everyone in the group was a train wreck and while I was cooking up some balls, else where potatoes were being mashed. And somehow they were missing the pot. Badly. Did everyone get drunk before this? I'm not sure what was going on. But it was maybe a little chaotic (not with me though. I'm flawless).

Sizzle sounds.

Once everything was said and done we helped ourselves to balls and mashed potatoes. I didn't expect to eat more than the trial bite.

And I was wrong. These Swedish meatballs were delicious. They were so good I almost forgot to take a picture.

Swedish meatballs how dare you defy my expectations of meat.

And it was fun! We ate and drank beers and laughed. I sat with another US guy, a Danish guy, and a US girl. The girl was pretty stupid but I didn't mind. She showed me pictures of her golden retriever at Easter when they dressed up as bunnies together. Then she went on to explain to me her dream home in Manhattan. Then she explained to me her dream home in London. She left to get more drinks and the Danish guy turns to me.

"Why is she so annoying?" He asked, pointing at the other girl. I shrugged me shoulders. He went on to explain how he doesn't listen when she talks and is only being nice because she brought wine and champagne. When she came back I pulled out my phone and made a big deal out of my dog Rikku showing everyone, especially the Danish prude, her picture.

After a while Maria and I just hung out and laughed. I stuck my nose to the window like a piggy and waited for people to walk by and see my cute lil face.

Notice me.

Then we had dessert! It was ice cream and cookies and strawberries. It was in a mug and the pictures came out shoddy so no pic of the dessert but I swear it happened. And it was good.

Some people started organizing a bar hopping crew and Maria and I opted out. We had to figure out tomorrow morning so we went back to our prison cell of a room to make plans.

We need to be in Copenhagen tomorrow. It's a 5 hour train ride and the train leaves at either 8 or 10. Breakfast is a 7 and we probably can't check into the hotel before 4, but there's a museum in Copenhagen that closes at 5. Also I need to find a post office before they close. While we were deciding which bus to take we were eating our candy from earlier. It was another game of Is It Good or Is It Gross.

While we were talking, I put a mysterious piece of black candy in my mouth. The moment it touched my tongue I gagged. It was out of nowhere and kinda funny so I made Maria try it too. It barely touched her tongue before she had the same freak out reaction. It was like a really powerful sour candy but salty. It was sickening. Since I had 2 pieces I gave one to Maria and we decided whoever kept their's in longer was the winner. I won. But at what cost?

I typed up today's events. I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow, isn't that sad? This hostel hasn't been so bad. Neither was the one in Oslo. To be honest, both hostels were cleaner than every hotel I stayed at in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Cleaner... imagine that. I never met any weirdos or perverts either. The beds aren't uncomfortable and our window overlooks the park where there's the dandelion water fountain. The hostels have been a good experience.

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