Saturday, June 6, 2015

Barcelona vs. Juventus

I woke up at 9. We were suppose to wake up at 8 but Maria said when the alarm went off I didn't move. I was a little annoyed we were having a late start and that it's my fault.

Christin is such a sweet hostess, she woke up early and got fresh strawberries for breakfast. We had an assortment of bread and jams and cold meats as well.

It was another hot day in Berlin and I was having trouble deciding what to wear. It was between a cool top and jeans, or a cool skirt and undershirt and a tee shirt. I went for the skirt.

Back on the tram and back on the subway we went. We ended up outside a shopping mall where Maria wanted to buy some clothes. We went to H&M which was a little annoying. This is the third time I've been to an H&M store this trip. Now I can say I've been to an H&M in Manhattan, Belfast, Oslo, and Berlin. Even though I was sick of it, I did find a nice cool dress and a tank top. The sizes may not have been similar to American because I had to get a small in everything for it to fit.

My items cost 17 euros. While we were leaving, Christin's mom joined us. We rode a bus to some places. It was very hot. I am so happy I didn't wear jeans like Maria did. I was sweating and having trouble listening or caring about the world because it was so hot on the bus.

Last night Christin had also mentioned how today was some big soccer match in Berlin so it would be a little crowded. There were lots of people in either red and blue shirts or black and white shirts. It was Barcelona and Turin, Spain vs Italy, in the Champions League final. Germany won the World Cup soccer last year so it was kind of a big deal to be here in Berlin when this game was taking place.

It was crowded, but it was so fun and happy. It was a big party and everyone was friends. We walked around Berlin and Christin pointed out buildings to us. She showed us art museums, universities, cathedrals, government stuff. It was a lot to take it. Too much to take it. I retained very little.

We stopped by the Hall of Remembrance and Reconciliation. It's was a very old church back in the day but bombings from WW2 destroyed it. Germany decided not to repair or rebuild the church as a sign of remembrance for those who lost their lives.

I'm going to church

On the inside were old church items on display. The was pretty pictures on the ceiling.

Then we left and next door to another church. This one had thick blue glass in the wall. It looks a bit like TV screens in the pictures but it was pretty in real life.

Are you ready to rock?

Well it's not time to rock, it's time to pray.

We left the cool dark church to go back into the heat and crowds of soccer fans.

We were on the Barcelona side. I decided that was the team I would support because I kept forgetting where the other team was from (Turin Italy) and what their name was (Juventus).

Christin wanted to take us to an ice cream shop the was the "best ice cream in Berlin". We had to go into another mall and that was nice because they had ac. I looked through the menu and ordered a red berries ice cream. They had an ice cream called "Bruno" that was of a derpy looking but happy dog ice cream. I would have ordered that had it not been on the kids menu.

Our ice cream came out and it was wonderful!


They were very big and we were given small spoons so I couldn't shovel it into my mouth as I would have liked.


Mine had three balls (not called scoops) of ice cream and each was so good. The vanilla was perfect. I ate until I got sick of it and it was a soupy mess. This was too big of portions for ice cream. Unless you eat ice cream for a meal, I don't see the point in having so much. Maybe it's to share.


We left and Maria was complaining about just wanting to sit on the bus because it was so hot. I was hopped up on sugar and ready to take down another chunk of Berlin wall. While we were walking in that hot as balls heat, we walked by bricks on the ground that made a long line. This, Christin told me, was where the Berlin wall once stood.

I took a picture!

It was very cool! We walked on and Maria had to sit down. We were next to a Jewish memorial (I swear, everywhere you turn there is something to see in Berlin) and sat there. The memorial was big and ugly and Christin explained that the cement blocks go up and down to represent the different Jews who died meaning some were tall because they were adults and some were short because they were children.

Maria was getting worse and needed a bathroom. We had to go through the memorial to get to the nearest one. The memorial didn't look so deep from the outside but the deeper you went the higher up the blocks went. It was like a maze except there were no dead ends or anything like that.

The next hour consisted of Maria in and out of bathrooms. It sucked to be her. I think she was having a heat stroke. But also she ate too much ice cream and not enough breakfast. I was annoyed because we were wasting time but I did not let it show. I wasn't angry with Maria. Everyone gets sick (I remember my time at the 9/11 memorial. Shit almost went down) and it's not their fault and she was upset too. It just sucked.

Once she was feeling better we passed through (this is really hard for me to explain because I don't know what was going on or where were we) the soccer Champion's Festival which is just a large place to hang out and everyone was there. It was a huge party! I liked it. No one was so drunk they were throwing up and no one was dressed skanky, this was just a party and everyone is your buddy.

It was very crowded there. I walked past a girl handing out passes to some night club.

"Want to go to an after party?" She asked me.

"Nein," I said with a wave of my hand.

All the soccer fans!

We walked on and passed by the hotel were Michael Jackson dangled his baby over a railing.


And Maria got sick again. We sat down for about an hour in some shade. Christin's boyfriend found us and we left with him to go back to the apartment. I was bummed. It was only 4:00 and our sightseeing in Berlin was done.

Back at the apartment, I showered and tried to get caught up on blogging but I was having issues with the wifi. Nothing new there.

Christin and her boyfriend made us dinner at 7. We had veggies, potato things, German hot dog that was chicken, a cheese that looked like a hot dog. Everything was very good except the cheese, I don't know what that was about.

The picture doesn't look very filling but I ate 10 of those potato things.

We left at 8 to go find a bar to watch the game at. Christin's mom and boyfriend joined us and we took a tram to a very crowded Italian restaurant that was cranking out pizzas like crazy. We got a table and had beers. Let the games begin!

Barcelona scored pretty early in the game. Everyone erupted into cheers. It was a lot of fun! My beer tasted terrible though. It was like someone pissed in chilled glass of water.


Maria asked about the beer. Christin said it came from a place called Holsten which was near the Baltic sea, up by Denmark. That explained the piss taste...

The game went on and you know, soccer happened. I tried really hard to pay attention but it was just kicking the ball around and pretending to be hurt. Turin would score and everyone would go crazy just as they did for Barcelona.

Maria was really loving the beer mugs (I don't know why, they were just glass beer mugs) and wanted to take one home to a friend. They joked about stealing it she liked it so much. So I poured my beer into her glass and stuck my empty beer mug in my purse. Done and done.

She was acting like we had just stolen the declaration of independence but after finishing her beer and ordering another and finishing that, she asked me to take another beer mug. I asked her to shove off.

The restaurant handed out blankets and gave me one. I wasn't wearing a lot of clothes but I wasn't cold. It was very nice of them to do.

The game dragged on until Barcelona won. The Barcelona fans all cheered and left the restaurant. The ones still watching were Turin fans. There were a lot of sad faces out there.

We took the tram back to the apartment and I tried to get the blog updated but my pictures weren't sending. Not having good wifi is worse than not having money. I went to bed at 1:30. We looked it up and it was 90 degrees Fahrenheit today.

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