Thursday, June 4, 2015

Boring travelling day

So last night I didn't fall asleep until 2:30. Why so late? Look at the view from our window at 2:00 AM.

Ignore that bright light in the middle, that's the dandelion waterfall lit up at night.

THERE'S STILL LIGHT IN THE SKY. It's never got dark out. This was its darkest, a pretty blue color. So weird. Once I finally fell asleep Maria and I woke up and started getting ready. It was bright as hell outside. I asked in a sleepy daze "What time is it?"

Maria checked her phone. "Wow, it's only 4:00 am."

"Oh screw this." I said and went back to sleep. It was so bright out I thought it was time to wake up. Our alarms went off 2 hours later at 6:00 and we both decided "Haha, no" and went back to bed. I guess we'll have to catch the 10:00 am train to Copenhagen.

8:00 came and we got ready and had breakfast in the hostel cafe, same thing as yesterday. We packed our bags and said peace out to the hostel before leaving for the Stockholm train station. One of my suitcase wheels is broken and when I drag it it leaves a black mark behind it on the ground. I'm like a modern day Hansel and Gretel.

We waited at the station for 30 minutes before boarding our train. Here's the thing about our eurail pass. It gets us on the trains no issue, but we don't have assigned seats. So we have no idea where to sit and it's really confusing. We just sat down at a table in a smaller sized train area and tucked our suitcases next to us. There was a lady with a little white dog and a lady with two black dogs in here. One of the black dogs was a year old and hyper. His owner said we were in the dog compartment and if you have a dog when you buy a ticket they put you here. It's usually empty, she said. We could not have picked a more perfect compartment.

Only problem with this area was it's right next to a bathroom and the dining area where they serve food (bad planning on the trains part). People kept walking through and some people are scared of dogs so they would see the dog and stare it in the eyes, getting the dogs attention, and then try to run by while the dogs are like "HI! HELLO NEW FRIEND!".

Our ride took us through the same old scenery of trees and lakes and pastures.

This again.

The train had mediocre wifi but that was more than I was expecting. It was still a boring drive.

Maria said we needed to get off at a certain train station, the one after the airport train station in Copenhagen. Neither of us knew the name of said train station so we couldn't look up directions from it to our hotel. Once we got off the train, we lost wifi. It was a clusterfuck.

Maria asked for help at an information desk but then forgot what she was told so I had to go and ask for help. We were told to get on platform 5 and get off at the first stop. Maria bought tickets for 25 Danish moneys a piece. We got to our platform and nothing made sense. Turns out it was platform 6 and that went to the airport. So we went to the airport, I was able to get google maps to tell me my location and our hotel was like a 5 minute walk away. Nothing from getting off the train from Sweden was in English.

We're tired. It's exhausting having to be in a new city every other day and get to our hotel/hostel in one piece then learn the layout. Every new place we get to, Maria always says "We should have stayed in (previous city)". It's annoying. The reason we are country hopping so hard is her idea. Several months ago when we were planning this trip, she had wanted to do a new county each day. A new country every other day is our compromise and even I wasn't thrilled with that going into this. Now that we're in the thick of it, she's realizing how hard it is and I'm realizing how deep my lack of empathy goes.

We found our hotel Cabinn Metro. It's nice I guess. We payed for an economy room and I wasn't even fazed when we saw our new prison cell sized living space.

I'm standing in the doorway.

At least this room had a bathroom. The bathroom is the smallest I have ever seen in my life. You can take a shower while brushing your teeth at the sink all while sitting down on the toilet for a poo.

I wasn't joking. You can shower and poop at the same time.

And then there's the bunk beds. At the last hostel the bunk bed had a bar at the top so you couldn't roll out of it. This one has nothing. It's a long ways down. We were tired and hungry and I was feeling a dizzy from the train ride. I was willing to power through the hunger by drinking water and pretending it's something more substantial but Maria suggested we go find food and I was down.

We're about a mile outside of the real city. But we are right next to a large shopping mall. At 7 we went there to find food. At the station I transferred all the money we won't be using for the rest of the trip and got back 100 danish money, or like 16 US dollars. We found a Mexican buffet and I couldn't afford a plate but I could afford carry-out buffet for 99 danish moneys (I think they're called Danish krones but who cares, I'm only here for 14 hours).

I got so much food. Here's my secret to eating all the food at a Mexican buffet: crunch up all your tortilla chips to save room in the carry-out box. I ended up getting a serving of nachos, 2 slices of pizza, and a spoonful of everything else they offered. My box was significantly heavier than Maria's (who didn't crunch her tortilla chips). Hot damn I was proud. We were leaving and saw a frozen yogurt store and Maria bought me ice cream there.

Here's my secret to fro-yo: skip the ice cream and just get a cup full of toppings. I got a cup filled with cookies, brownies and fruit. Along with my Mexican take-out, I was feeling like a princess.

I power walked back to the hotel because I was so hungry. I set my food down and ate everything with my hands because I am no lady.

Now you have my secrets to Mexican take-out and fro-yo.

I ate and ate and about halfway through hit the wall and had to stop. So I took a shower. The shower was worse than I thought. It's like if someone put a sink and mirror along with a toilet in your shower. Water was everywhere. Who designed this. There was water on the toilet paper.

After that we went to bed pretty early. The wifi situation of this hotel is garbage. It keeps disconnecting me, or it won't connect at all. So now I've had cleaner rooms AND better wifi in both hostels than any hotel I've stayed at during this trip.

I had no wifi so all I could do was go to bed and wait to fall asleep.

Since this post is a short one I'll just type my thoughts:
Did you know Lars Ulrich from Metallica was born in Denmark? I had to look up Danish artists to find a song to end this post with and that's how I found out.
I'm okay with leaving Stockholm today. I don't know that I'll ever be back. I would like to come back to Sweden and do other cities though. I want to go further up north.

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