Sunday, June 14, 2015

Put on the Red Light

The plan was to wake up at 7 but when we woke up we realized that was silly so we slept in until 9. We packed our few belongings, I wore the same outfit as yesterday, and checked out of our hotel. It was the nicest hotel of the trip.

We didn't have to be at the station until 1:30 so we got breakfast at a small cafe. It was quiet when we went in but got increasingly busy. I ordered an omelette and our server brought out a toastie sandwich mistake, so then they had to make the omelette and that didn't take too much time. It was alright. I got a lot of bread which I didn't eat.

In background: Maria's much more delicious breakfast

Maria had to pay for my meal because I'm broke again. After eating I decided we would make our way to the Red Light District. It was a short walk. The Red Light District is several alleys big. While we were looking for it we found more and more weed shops and sex shops. I thought this was funny, I mean I saw some weird shit. Maria didn't find it humorous and I think it all made her very uncomfortable. There was no way she would have gone in a coffee shop. The air wasn't strong with the smell of them but she kept saying how when we get back to Aalen everyone is going to smell pot on us and think we smoked it. I told her that was stupid.

After walking by our nine hundredth dildo store, we walked through a weird alley with lots of windows and curtains shielding outsiders from the interior. This was it. A few curtains were pulled back and inside were scantily dressed women. They looked like the mannequins inside a porn store and had they not been texting or moving around I would have thought they weren't real people. They just didn't look natural, and that's not me coming off as "real women have curves" bullshit. They just looked odd.

Red Light District

I would rather have walked through the district at night but at least I got to do it at all. Maria wasn't exactly the right person to bring to Amsterdam. I need people who want to party. In an attempt to cheer her up, I suggested we go to a bar and have some beer while we wait for the train. We found a bar that sold Guinness and she was down. She had to buy my drink.

Cheers Amsterdam

We killed an hour there. I wrote a postcard to my dad. The bar had tons of flags on the ceilings so we tried to figure out where each was from. I only recognize America, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands. My flag game is weak.

We left and stopped by a store to buy some cheap candy. I got 2 more Kinder Eggs (it's an addiction) and a pack of gum. This I could afford, as it was only 3 euros. We were right across the roads from the train station so we just went there. It's still too early but what the hell else were we suppose to do.

We waited around there and I took out more money at an ATM. Then I bought 2 bananas, 2 granola bars, and a medium size bag of paprika chips. I'll have to look for paprika chips when I get back home. They're really good. Maria and I did some shopping in a tea store. I wanted to get my mom something but I am not tea savvy like my mother and didn't want to grab her some junky stuff. The only chai they had was English and I would rather buy sweet Dutch chai tea. I bought nothing.

Finally our train arrived. It had two levels, upstairs and downstairs. It was crowded and we didn't have reservations with this train. Everyone got on and we found seats without too much hassle. Some people had to stand. This train ride lasted maybe 30 minutes before we were dropped off at another station (I think it was still in the Netherlands). Things got intense. There was a lot of people and everyone tried to get on at once. Some people had big luggage bags and some had big ass strollers. It was kinda crazy and Maria and I got separated which was understandable considering the crowds.

This x 1,000,000.

The train is organized by where they have the dividers (I can't remember the actual words, it's been a long day. Are they called boxes?). We had reservations for box 22 and got on the train in box 27. It took a while to get to our spot, it's just so crowded. Maria was leading the way because I didn't understand where we were going. She is not aggressive. I'm really good at getting through crowds thanks to my training days of being in Epcot after Illuminations. Maria also has trouble communicating with me when things get hectic (or maybe I should say when things get hectic I won't stop asking her questions). Anyways, I didn't know where we were in relation to the train cars (that's what they're called!) and I finally asked some guys who were eavesdropping on us if this was car 22. They said yes. Maria told me that if people were in our seats I would have to ask them to leave because she can't do that. Passive, passive...

I found our seats and kicked the guys in them out. Just like the people last time, these guys also acted confused and tried arguing with me.

"We have reservations too."

"That's nice." I said.

They then said they didn't know where their reserved seats were. I reminded them that wherever those seats were, these ones they were in were ours. The guys' had some buddies nearby who laughed at them when they got out of my seats. Maria tried to help them and explain train stuff while I wasted no time and already had my headphones in.

I listened to music and munched on paprika chips with Maria. Trains are so boring. I believe they are my least favorite way to travel.

What is there to look at...

Oh right, more trees. Great.

While on the train to Frankfurt I took out the other postcards and wrote the second one to my grandparents who used to live in Holland back in the day. I STILL have the postcards from Norway and Sweden. It looks like the Scottish postcards didn't go through. That sucks. I need to find the post office in Aalen and send my cards to my dad from there. The ones to my brothers and mom I'll just hand deliver, it'll be faster at this point.

'4/20 blaze it, lol. Love Calla'

Our ride lasted 4 hours, then we had a 30 minute layover in Frankfurt where Maria and I got a sandwich. We found another shop that sold beer steins and magnet cuckoo clocks. I bought another little cuckoo clock and it's adorable and Maria got her beer stein.

Back on the train we went! This ride lasted maybe 90 minutes. I slept to kill time. We had our last layover at 8:30 in Stuttgart. I bought some fruit and we got on the final train. Now that we're in Germany it's hot again. This train wasn't crowded (why would it be? It's going to Aalen...).

This train didn't have ac and it was hot and smelled like people despite the windows being down. We had a stop at another station and it was annoying because we were running late.

Eventually the sun started to go down and the weather cooled. The breeze in the train was nice. I wasn't annoyed anymore. This train ride was peaceful. The air smelled like summer with hints of pollen, rain, earth, and sweet flowers. I could stare out the dark window at these German homes and buildings with their lights on and it was just a beautiful moment. I can't believe I'm leaving for home this Thursday. It feels like time went by too fast.

We got back to Aalen around 10 and took a taxi to the hotel. I was gross and had to shower. Tonight seemed like a good night to use the glitter bath bomb.

Bombs away

I dropped it in and nothing happened. It just sat there in the water. So I broke it up with my hands and that turned the water into a dirty pee color.

Oh boy...

Lame! I thought it would turn into a bath full of glitter and beautifulness! It smelled like ginger and cinnamon. After a few minutes the water did get pretty.

This is a little trippy.

It was cool. I like bath bombs. Around 11 I watched some German TV while finishing the daily typing. I went to bed around 1 or 2. I'm excited to eat breakfast tomorrow. Is that odd?

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