Tuesday, May 26, 2015

To Belfast with love

3 separate alarm clocks, each with their own loud obnoxious ring, went off at 7:00. It would have been really funny had I not been the owner of the 4th alarm clock set for 7:30.

I skipped breakfast to straighten my hair. I'm tired of wearing it up all the time. After I finished I realized that it would probably rain today. Typical everyday Ireland, or Murphy's Law as we call it in the states. It doesn't rain on me the entire week I've been here but the day I do my hair it will get wet and ruined.

We got on the bus at 8:45 and left our hotel forever. Our next hotel was in Belfast, our final destination. Last night I payed 10 euro to visit some cemetery today. On our way we drove by lots of hawthorn trees. Hawthornes are associated with fairies because they give off magic heat or something. Farmers who have pastures will sometimes leave the hawthorn trees standing for fear of those damn fairies.

We stopped by the cemetery and I left my bag on the bus because I'm tired of carrying it around. Our driver stayed with the bus the whole time so no worries about theft.

We actually weren't at the cemetery. I have really got to start paying attention. The place we were at was called Bru na Boinne and I'm not smart so the only way I can describe it is this; it's this museum/site where Irish cavemen used to live. The museum was small and boring. It was basically like "Irish cave people wore furs to stay warm, they used rocks as utensils" or whatever. We waited around then watched a video about how the earth rotated and seasons changed a zillion million years ago.

Then the excitement happened! We got on a bus (not our bus) and were taken to real, not replica, Irish cave people homes. They're basically these round piles of dirt with rocks at the bottom.

Welcome home!

We had a tour guide and she was excellent. The stones at the bottom of the dirt houses had markings on them. Our tour lady said we don't know what the symbols mean. Some are similar to other symbols found in later years and in other areas of the world. But most we don't know and that's a bummer.

Use your words!

We were allowed to go through one of the tunnels. Maybe a quarter of us went through. I stayed behind.

No I didn't, that was a joke. My legs are still sore but I went through. It was smaller than the dungeon cave I squat walked through in Blarney Castle. Most people had to crawl on their hands and knees, but the rocks made that painful so I extreme squat walked.

EXTREMELY happy not be claustrophobic.

It was a short crawl and you had to wiggle your body out of the opening. Maria went through it too, so proud of her.

Then we went under one of the houses and got to look down one of the tunnels they used (didn't get to go down). I had a neat time. We got to stand on top of one of the mound houses and the view was pretty great. Lots of green. The grounds keep were cutting the grass so it smelled like freshly cut grass the entire time.

Lots of green.

I asked Maria if she would take my picture by one of the homes. She agreed and I gave her directions since I had a vision of what the picture would look like.

"Alright, don't tilt the phone sideways. Take it from my waist up with the top of the mound being in the middle of the pictures." I told her.


We had lunch back at the museum and I didn't have my wallet as it was on the bus so Mia loaned me money. I was so hungry and thirsty. I had a Cajun chicken panini, a lemon blueberry cookie, and a 7up. The sandwich was really good and I ate it all. This was my first time having soda since I left America and I drank all of that too. I put the cookie in my pocket for later.

Loves it

We hung out at the table and talked about cultural differences and it was great because if one of us had a question, likely one of the other three could answer it. My lunch cost 10 euros and we got back on the bus.

Next stop, Belfast! I was starting to nod off so I ate my cookie for energy. It was really good. Would recommend.

Maria and I were rooming together in Belfast. Our hotel was nice. The front desk was attached to the bar. The whole hotel was just more modern than any we've seen so far.

Not a queen bed, hell yes

Maria and I then left to explore Belfast. It's more dirty than Dublin and the buildings are much higher here. We walked in a couple clothing stores and I saw some stuff I would have bought had I any pounds. I need to withdraw more money from the ATM. We got back at 5 and we all went to dinner at a place called Havana I think. They served us a beef dinner.


I tried a piece and that was enough. It was really tender and flavorful and not for me. I played with the food to make it look like I was eating because I felt bad. A lot of people would love this and I was wasting it.

Then we had dessert. It was vanilla meringue and this whipped cream stuff.

I didn't like it. Dinner was a bust. Maria and I went back to the hotel and we watched BBC and I ate a pear and an apple that I bought in Killarney. We had fun. In the lobby was a vending machine and she bought me two bags of chips for dinner, the sweetheart.

I tried updating the blog since I still hadn't put up yesterday but my email wasn't working. There is always some issue....

I was still hungry and those Kinder Eggs were looking pretty tasty. I decided to eat one and give one to Maria. That still left me with 1 Kinder Egg and 1 Mickey egg for my mom. It was really intense trying to pick which egg to eat. I didn't want a squirtle, I wanted a charmander. I picked the egg I got the best vibe from and gave another to Maria.

Please be good please be good please be good.

I tried to crack it like an egg but that didn't worked so I just slammed it on the table. The toy inside had a case around it.

Please don't be a lame toy

I opened that and inside was A FOX! I was so excited. I was JUST thinking about Fantastic Mr. Fox and how much I liked that movie.

I named him Mulder.

It was fantastic. Egg wasn't bad either. Maria's toy was this dog that you turned upside down and it turned into a pig. Pretty clever. I took a shower around 9. Blogged more. Bed before midnight.

Ginger count: I had less than 10 by the time we were at the cave people place. There weren't a lot in Belfast, so maybe 20?

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