Saturday, May 23, 2015

Kinder Eggs

I woke up at 6 feeling dizzy. I was wearing pajamas, thank god. I don't remember changing. I checked the room and Kaitlyn was in bed, I don't remember her coming back last night. I was really dizzy and probably still drunk. I don't remember what the pizza looked like last night.

Anyways! I got up and took a shower because I smelled of a mixture between salty ocean, sheep, and ass. Speaking of ass, I think I made one of myself last night when we were hanging out with the two other girls from our group. I don't remember their name. Or what they looked like. I guess that's good though because when I see them today I won't know if it's them.

Anyways! The shower was cold and terrible so it was a quick one. I got dressed and everyone else was up and everyone felt disgusting. I still can't get wifi. I remember my mom called last night. I haven't texted her or anyone in 2 or 3 days.

Breakfast was at 8:30 in the hotel. We had cereal, eggs, toast, and ham. I traded my ham for an egg. Then we went back to the room and got more ready for the day. We would be taking a carriage ride, boat ride, and visiting a castle.

At 10:15 we stood around outside for what I thought was our bus. I was talking to someone and heard a clop clop clop sound coming our way. I turned around and was very surprised to see a horse approaching. Our carriages were here!

O hi

Us four got on one and were joined by 4 other ladies. Maria was invited to sit in front and I was very jealous. She even got to hold the reins for a while. Our driver said our horse was named Peggy and she was 8 years old. Her breed was an "Irish draft" I think he said but listening isn't my hobby.

Peggy took us through Killarney and into some woods. Everyone took pictures and said it was very beautiful. I thought it was boring and would have slept but was afraid of being rude to the driver. We saw lots of trees and a lake. I didn't take any pictures because I've already seen a million billion trees this trip.

Can I sleep behind sunglasses.

We were dropped off at the Ross Castle. I stood back to get some pictures with Peggy. It was a little frustrating because I'm a control freak about taking photos and will coach people on what angle to hold my iphone and what lighting it should look like when they take my picture. I would say Maria is terrible at taking pictures, but she just has a different style than me. I like pictures of people looking natural. I like taking pictures of people when they're walking down a street or laughing and looking out the window. She likes head on, stand next to something and look at the camera with a big smile, full body shots. I kind of hate those. I think she hates mine that I take. The point of all this picture talk was because it took a long time to get a picture with me and Peggy because Maria isn't good at my style.

Peggy and Calla, bffs

We payed for the horse and boat ride. It was 25 euros. The boat was ride incredibly boring and I did sleep. Again, no pictures. It was just so boring.

We got off the boat and walked around the castle. It wasn't big. It was more of a photo opt moment.

Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your bleach blonde hair.

We took the bus back into town and got off for lunch. We were on our own and stopped at a nice restaurant called Scotts. They had wifi. Hallelujah. Glory be. I ordered a spinach and ricotta pasta dish for 13 euros and it was delicious.


It was a quiet meal. We were all on our phones. Once I got connected, I had 15 new text messages. I was starting to feel pretty popular but then I noticed 13 were from my mom. This sent me into a minor panic because she was probably trying to get a hold of me to say Rikku died. Turns out she (my mom, not my dog) hadn't heard from me in 3 days and was concerned. I don't have anything nice to say about that and reminded her that unless there is a REAL emergency don't ever do that again. No news is good news.

Once I was on wifi I tried to get caught up on current events. Ireland made gay marriage legal and that was exciting. Other than that I tried to get the blog updated and managed to post Thursday's happenings.

We left and wandered around Killarney, going in and out of shops. I wasn't into the shopping. Every store the girls went into was the exact same down to the "magic clover boxer shorts". It was all very touristy and tacky and I could find that shit on Amazon for half price. After a couple hours of this, I saw the word "Ireland" and thought it wasn't a real word because I had just seen it that many times in a short span. I did buy 2 magnets for 5 euros. Then I regretted it later.

There was a candy shop called Granda Charlie's Auld Sweet Shop. It was a small 1 room store with candies from the floor to the ceiling. Maria said something like "Oh, this is just like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!" and the shop owner asked if we had seen that movie. We had (who hasn't?) and he said that Willie Wonka worked upstairs. Then he did something amazing. The shop owner pulled back one of the candy shelves to reveal a hidden stairway. At the top of the stairway was a cardboard cutout of Willie Wonka.

In a world of pure imagination

I was so impressed and it was wonderful and the picture doesn't do justice. The shop owner was so nice and lovely. He asked if Maria and I had ever had bonbons. I said I had, they're little chocolate balls popular around Christmas. He said the Irish had something different and he gave us each a little blue candy. It was soft and not quite like anything I've had because it wasn't gummy and didn't stick to your teeth. It was very good! Then, a second amazing thing happened. I was looking through some candies and saw something that made me gasp.

Kinder eggs.

Kinder eggs are little chocolate eggs with a toy inside. They're banned in America because our children are stupid and will try to eat the toy and die. Some call this natural selection, some call it a choking hazard. I bought three, and then I bought a Mickey Mouse candy for my mom.

Kinder EGGS

While trying to get my phone out and balance the eggs I dropped the Mickey one and cracked it. I still bought it. I spent maybe 7 euro. It was a lot of fun and this was probably the highlight of my day.

We had ice cream at one point. Around 4 we went back to the hotel. Maria wanted to go to church (she's catholic) and I had earlier agreed to go with her for the cultural experience. But then I fell asleep at the hotel and woke up at 7:30. Mia and I met up with Maria at a bar. Maria said church was a similar to back home but she couldn't understand the priest and the confession box guy didn't think her sins were worth repenting for.

We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. It smelled really good inside and wasn't crowded. They served these salty rice cake things that were very tasty.

What are these

I ordered a chicken chow mein dish for 14 euros. It wasn't great and I liked it less and less with each bite. Maria had fried rice and halfway through we switched food. The fried rice, although it had beef, was very good.

Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein

We walked back to the hotel. A group of girls passed us that were kind of dressed like hookers (I bet they passed me and thought 'She looks like a homeless youth'). It was actually one of the girls' 18th birthday and they were hitting up the town for drinks.

We popped into a convenience store for some fruits and snacks. I got sour cream and onion Pringles, a couple granola bars, some mixed fruit, and a pack of gum. It was all under 10 euros. It was fun walking back to the hotel. At 10 at night there's still light out. We stopped for pictures at random intervals.

'Please donate to the homeless youth center'

We got back at 10 and I stayed in the lobby with several other people from our group because the wifi was working. Then it stopped working. It would work and then crap out for a couple hours while I was trying to get yesterday uploaded to the blog. Somehow in this process, yesterday's update got deleted. I was so angry I almost went for a walk to blow off some steam but I know I won't be able to find the way back because I'm autistic when it comes to directions and reading maps. So I went back to the room at 12:30 and complained to the other girls. Some f bombs were dropped. I am not proud.

I listened to some music to calm down and went to bed around 3.

I forgot to do a ginger count! I think I forgot to do one yesterday too.

I don't think I've ever elaborated on a song before but I have to this time. It just fit soo perfectly because a) I almost went to church b) gay marriage is legal in Ireland and b) Hozier is an Irishman.

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