Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The unsinkable Titanic

I went to bed early last night but was still super tired this morning and couldn't get up until 7:30. I threw on some clothes I haven't worn yet and had breakfast in the hotel. It was just like breakfast in the hotel in Dublin.

Maria and I went back up to the room because she said we had to be on the bus at 9:00. Turns out it was 8:45 and we were late and holding everyone else up (I suck). We had a lady tour guide with us and while we were driving through Belfast she talked about stuff. Mostly it was about those Catholics and Protestants. So boring. There are lots of Union Jacks flying around. Belfast feels like an Ireland, British hybrid.

We stopped by Parliament.


And they had some nice flower garden that I spent 10 minutes in. There was a statue for the people of Hiroshima and Berlin and identical statues are somewhere there as well.

We drove around Belfast and I didn't pay attention because that's too hard to do sometimes. We went by C.S. Lewis' old school and saw a statue of him. Belfast is okay. It's not touristy like Dublin and it's not near as pretty (and I don't consider Dublin a beautiful city or anything, so Belfast is ugly). There are lots of murals all the walls. Most are in honor of people who died. The others are political so I don't care.

We went to a Titanic museum.


Oh my god it was boring. Belfast is the city where Titanic was built. It once was a great exporter of linens. That's its claim to fame. This museum talked about linens and the lines mills and who the hell cares. It was a little crowded but that didn't bother me. After awhile I would walk in front of people who were standing around in my way.

Kaitlyn and I waited in line for maybe 20 minutes to go on a ride. It was this tramway thing that showed you videos of people hitting hot metal to build the Titanic. It was so boring! This place sucks. We saw a replica of a room in first class and a room in third. The third class room had 2 young women in cramped corners. I thought of Maria and I.

Finally we got to the part when Titanic sank. They had recordings of survivors accounts of the sinking and that was okay. My favorite part was reading about the aftermath and the confusion in the media and the way people helped the survivors and the people whose bodies they never found. There was a short video about finding the Titanic in recent years. There was a glass floor you could stand on and a screen would zoom over the top of the wrecked ship.

It was 1:15 by the time it was all said and done. It rained outside. We were set to leave at 1:30 but had the option of walking back to town. By 1:40 we still didn't know where 1 person was. There was some confusion but apparently no one had her number, not even the fucking tour director who set this whole trip up. I'm kind of annoyed with her, this tour director lady. We didn't know if the missing person was back in the museum or if she decided to walk to the hotel, so we left.

We drove by the building where they film Game of Thrones. They don't allow people in there. I had to stare at it from the window in the rain like I was some orphan in a Charles Dickens novel. Damn the Lannisters.

I needed money so we went to a bank but they wouldn't let us exchange or something. So we went to an ATM and I got 200 pounds. I bought some of the other girls' spare change in euros off of them because apparently you can't exchange coins. I went by the 1 for 1 rule (1 euro for 1 dollar) and I made a profit, suckas.

The four of us went back to the hotel for a late lunch at 3. I hated the menu but some were already hungry and cranky so I settled for a chicken and cheese sandwich. After waiting 15 minutes they came out and told me they were out of chicken and would a ham and cheese be okay? I had to hold back my bitch slapping hand. Since I hate ham I ordered a margarita pizza (aka, cheese pizza in this god forsaken land). By the time the others had their dessert I got my pizza. It was really good! Their earned their redemption.

Please don't give me diarrhea.

Maria and I hung out in our hotel room before I got bored and left with Mia to go shopping. We stopped by a couple stores looking for a jacket. I'm kinda tired of my olive green one. It was raining the heaviest I had seen this whole trip so I wore my rain jacket and tucked my hair in neatly under it.

I never found a hoodie or jacket but I did get a tank top for like 5 pounds which is not bad. We went back to the hotel and then I left again with Maria to find a place to eat. Everywhere was closed it seemed. We went into a convenience store and bought some snacks for later. We got 2 bags of sour cream and onion chips, a bottle of water for Kaitlyn and Mia and a bag of Cadberry chocolate chip cookies. I saw more Kinder Eggs and they had Avenger Kinder Eggs here. I got 2. Then I saw Disney Frozen kinder Eggs. I got one. It was all less than 10 pounds and we took it back to our room where we invited Kaitlyn and Mia to dinner. The four of us went back outside and it was done raining but super windy. We went to a pizza place called Little Italy and got 2 small pizzas to take back at our hotel.

We ate in mine and Maria's room. The pizza was good but I was sick of pizza at this point.

I will be getting diarrhea tomorrow.

The food was all tasty and we watched BBC. After our dinner guests went home, I Skyped with my mom! There was some technical issues that lasted an hour but she was a good sport and we got it figured out! We talked until neither of us had anything to say. It was lovely.

At midnight I washed my dirty socks in the bathroom sink. I was wearing my last pair of socks I had brought, all the rest were dirty and we wouldn't be doing laundry until Scotland.

I went to bed at 1. This was a chill day. I didn't pay attention much today because it was kind of boring. The highlight of my day was finding more Kinder Eggs and driving by the Game of Thrones building.

Ginger count: so very few. I maybe had between 20 and 25.

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