Monday, January 22, 2018


The backstory to how this trip started is a long one and I'm really not interested in telling it all. Basically I had a job opportunity with Customs and Border Patrol and this was part of the hiring process. After jumping through hoops, I had the opportunity to take a polygraph test in Seattle. I was about 80% sure I would fail the test but it was still worth the risk. I would get a mini vacation in Seattle and I would be able to say I'd taken a polygraph test. Win or lose, it would still be a cool experience!

My lovely friend Maria agreed to come with me and I am sooo thankful. It would have been fecking miserable going to a new city by myself. My plane ticket cost $220 and buying it was the last thing I did in 2017. Seemed like an appropriate way to end the year.

We would fly out on Monday the 22nd and fly home on Thursday the 25th. Maria arranged our hotel situation and she found a decent place downtown for only $80 a night, which is a good deal. I had the 23rd booked (polygraph day) but we had the 24th to explore so we found some fun things we wanted to do and see.

Then there was some drama with the government shutting down. I got an email saying my polygrah might be postponed unless the government reopened. My flight was nonrefundable so no matter what happened we were still going to Seattle.

Okay that's a brief enough explanation. Anyways our flight left around 3:45 from Helena. I goofed off all day and finally packed some shit around 12:30.

Hello old friend.

and Maria picked me up at 1. We hung out at her apartment for about an hour before her boss gave us a ride to the airport.

We waited at the airport for maybe 30 mins before boarding at 3:15. Maria took the window seat (I wanted it specifically for the way back) and we played hangman and drank complimentary wine to pass the time flying.

Hangman, Seattle themed

It was a solid 6/10 on the fun scale.

The flight was almost 2 hours and we landed around, I don't know, 4 or 5. It was still light outside so we didn't get to fly into the city at night which is a tragedy. We took the light rail to downtown. It would get us about 8 blocks from our hotel. The tickets cost $3 a piece and I bought both of ours. It was pretty boring. It reminded me of the London Underground. The ride lasted maybe an hour until we got off at Westlake. By then it was dark outside.

Welcome to Seattle!

It was a little confusing getting to the hotel, but that's only because we're not that good with directions. We found where we're staying and Maria got us checked in. It's called the Loyal Inn. It looked a little dingy on the outside but was fine inside and the staff was nice.

We dumped our luggage in the room and left to go find food. The guy at front desk suggested this place called The 5 Point Cafe which is pretty popular and has been featured on travel and food shows. We walked a few blocks to get to it.

The 5 Point Cafe is a dark little pub type place with the slogan "Alcoholics Serving Alcoholics Since 1929" and seemed like my kinda restaurant.

I liked it.

I ordered a philly cheesesteak and fries. It was really good!

I ate nearly the entire sandwich and took the fries in a to go box. I think it was like $20 with tax and tip. I'm so used to living in Montana, I forgot the rest of the world has a sales tax. It's some bullshit!

We walked back to the hotel and it was a nice walk. We're staying very close to the Space Needle. I'm hoping it will be open. So far we have found contradicting information on whether or not the place is being renovated. Their website says it's closed through the 22-25, but the sign on the Needle says "We're Open!". They are messing with my heart is what they're doing.

Maria wanted to make a quick stop at the liquor store and she bought a bottle of wine to take back to the hotel. We got back around 8, maybe 8:30 (I'm losing concept of time day by day).

We got back to the room and had the hardest time opening the bottle of wine. The bottle opener Maria bought broke, leaving half of it in her hand and the other half stuck in the cork. She had to borrow another opener from front desk and we nearly broke that one too. Instead  we broke the cork in half. It was funny, my sweet Catholic Maria swearing like a trucker as she struggled to open the bottle. As soon as the cork was out she was chugging the wine.

The government reopened that night, god bless. My polygraph examiner called me to see if I was ready to go, or if I wanted to reschedule due to the shutdown. I was like , "nah bro I'm finna pass this bitch" (but like, in a more professional way you know).

We went to bed around 9 or 10. I had a terrible nights sleep and kept waking up, anxious about tomorrow.

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