Thursday, March 12, 2015

Unique New York, Unique New York

Today was sleeping in day.  I got out of bed at 10 after my mom harassed me enough and then we went to the same bakery that we had gone to the past 2 nights for breakfast. I had a waffle and fruit, my mom had a eggs and french toast.

At 11, we went over to the bubble tea place and we both ordered the same thing we had the other night. It's so good. I know that when once we're home I'm going to miss it.

Then we walked to 42 and 12th and got on a boat. It was cold and very windy and I hated it. We sat on the boat for a while before it left at noon. It took us past the Statue of Liberty. She's smaller than I imagined.

Liberty Enlightening the World

After we saw the statue, I fell asleep. The boat ride was about an hour and a half long. Once we got back to shore, we got a cab down to Chinatown because my mom wasn't ready to give up on that.

The part of Chinatown that we were dropped off at was much better than that dung hole we were in the other day. This place was crowded and had a lot of shops and people walking around.

There were lots of vendors and open markets with food hanging out on the streets. Some of it smelled terrible.

Hold your breathe

We went inside a stationary and book store. Everything was cheap. I bought 5 pens that have multi color ink, 3 little red banner things and a cute notebook. It costs about $16. After that we got lunch at a noodle place. I ordered a vegetable han-pulled noodle and my mom ordered roast duck han-pulled noodle. The food portions were huge and very cheap. Mine cost $5 and my moms was $6.50

Vegetable han-pulled noodles

It was very good! I wondered if Ian would have liked it. I don't think either of us ate more than half. Then we walked out of Chinatown, past Little Italy, and into Soho. Along the way we passed a lot of people trying to sell stuff despite not being in front of a store or having a kiosk or table set up. "Rolex" watches and "Chanel" purses to Baby's First A, B, C kids books could be bought on the street. I'm curious about these people's lives.

There's a lot of more legit shopping to do in Soho but about a quarter of the stores there are also in South Dakota, and of the stores that aren't I could find most of them online for cheaper. Then the rest of the stores I didn't care about. The shopping was disappointing.

We stopped by a candy store and we each bought something, then we stopped in a I Love New York store and ended up buying gifts for everyone. I don't remember how much it cost. From Chinatown to our hotel we walked about 40 blocks. Along the way there were these large bird sculptures made out of trash. Making art out of trash is the new thing.


My mom had to go to the bathroom so we stopped by a McDonalds and ordered some fries and a coffee. The bathrooms were located downstairs. My mom went in first and I waited. Several minutes later she came out pretty wide eyed and wanted to leave. I had to go too and told her so.

"That was the worst bathroom I've ever been in in New York." She told me dead serious. It couldn't have been that bad. I went inside.

The bathroom was small with 2 stalls and 1 sink to wash hands. It smelled bad. But that wasn't what got me. In one of the stalls, I could hear a woman going "Oh my gawd, oh my gawd..." She came out, looked me in the eye, and gave it to me straight. "It's bad." The woman said. "I did not do that. It's so bad..."

I had to see. I went into the stall and it wasn't bad. Nothing was smeared on the wall, the toilet wasn't clogged. Just as I was thinking everyone was being dramatic, it hit me. The smell was so putrid I started to gag. I thought I might throw up so I did my business quick and made to run out of the bathroom without washing my hands. Another girl was waiting to use my stall, so I stopped her on my way.

"It's bad." I warned her through watering eyes. Then I left before I threw up my vegetable han-noodles. My mom was waiting as far away from the women's bathroom as possible. We had a laugh and left. I ate her french fries. I think she lost her appetitie.

At the hotel, we hung out for maybe thirty minutes before it was time to leave for our Broadway show, Lion King.

We got there at 7:30 and the show started at 8. The lobby was very pretty.

The show was what I expected, but better. It was very good, the singing, music, acting, costumes... I enjoyed it. My mom loved it. It was better than the Lion King show in Disney World.

It lasted an hour and a half. We left and had to find food because my mom was hungry. We wandered into Hells Kitchen before finally stopping at a pizza joint where my mom bought 3 huge slices for $16. We went back to the hotel and ate in the room where we have no internet.

Tonight was our last night in New York. Our car picks us up at 8:30 and our flight leaves at 11 tomorrow. I should be home at 4 when I can update this blog. I look forward to having internet again.


If I was rich, I would live here. Or at least this would be one of the many places I would own real estate. The point is I very much like New York. I'm so glad I got to go and I love my mom for going with me (or taking me with her). She is very easy to travel with and I can be a bit difficult so thank god she can put up with me. We did everything we wanted to and then some. With some vacations you know exactly when you will be back, or you know that you will never come back at all. New York was somewhere in between. I'll come back some day, but I don't think I'll be making any special trips in the near future.

Don't cry for me New York.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Met

My mom woke me up at 8. I thought today was the day we slept in, or else I wouldn't have stayed up until 2 last night. After getting ready, we left around 9 and had breakfast at a cafe. The breakfast was really good, a chicken blt panini, cup of fruit, and blueberry muffin.

Then we got on our bus to go to the Museum of Modern History. It was a short drive to Uptown and the weather was gorgeous. Everyone kept talking about it.

We got into the museum and took a few minutes to get oriented. I thought I understood the place fairly well so I led the way. Mostly the museum had animal displays where you would walk up and look at the fake displays set up. It was cute I guess. Having seen most of the animals in person in Disney World, I can't say I was too excited to see these stuffed animal replicas. There was a disease wing that reminded me of Ian.

Then we were promptly lost. This was 1 room and 1 wing in and we were turned around. We found our way and decided to skip African people, Asian people, and some other people. Instead we went to the monkeys and birds.

"Did I leave the stove on?"
The monkeys were cute and the birds were neat too. This would have been a lot of fun if I was 7. We spent about 3 seconds on each display, or the amount of time it took to walk past a display at a slow pace. It wasn't boring. The most fun part was seeing birds that were native to South Dakota.

At the museum were lots of school groups. These kids were significantly way less adorable than the kids we saw at MoMA. These kids were loud and obnoxious and only good for shoulder checking when they stepped too close to me.

My mom wanted to see the dinosaurs and they were on the fourth of four floors. We walked around for a bit trying to find the carnivores. I guess it was fun. More fun for children. There were plenty of adults without children though. The dinosaurs part had a lot of bones.

"This is my design."
With the museums tickets came another ticket to one of their four movies they offered. We had the choice between a space movie, narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, and a movie about mammal heroes. My mom didn't care, so I picked the mammal movie because space scares me. After we got tired, we went to our movie at 12:30.

There were annoying people in front of us. My mom has an italian couple that would not shut up and I had this middle aged french lady that wouldn't get off her phone during the film. Finally the lady next to me snapped and told her to turn it off.

The movie reminded me of this show I had seen months ago with Remo. It was this "documentary" (I don't know what else to call it) about a squirrel that had his nuts stolen. Ten minutes in I realized it was the same documentary. Since I already knew the epic conclusion (SPOILER: He gets his nuts back), I took a little nap.

After the film, we decided to leave. The museum had other plans because on what we thought was the way out, we ended up in some forest division where you could look at different types of trees. I didn't even see this place on the map. We finally left the museum at 1:30.
Can't believe these dinosaurs come alive at night. Gotta get out while you can.
Across the street was Central Park. Across Central Park was the MET, a museum of art. We went through Central Park and that was exciting because you hear about it so much and it sounds so swanky and upscale. The park was merely okay. Nothing special. I saw a bird that wasn't a pigeon. Walking through the park, my mom told me a story about a lady jogger who was brutally attacked and raped here. I love my mom.

Central Park
The MET was easy to find because it's huge and beautiful on the outside.

Lots of people hung out on the steps. I don't know why they would hang out here when central park was just a stones throw away.

The museum is massive and my aunt Sherry said to find 2 places you wanted to visit because that was really all you would have time for. My mom picked her top places she wanted to see and I picked my top least places and from that we worked out a plan. The plan went out the door as soon as we turned a corner and ended up in some Egyptian section and decided to hang out there. They had a cool pyramid you could walk through, with tight corners and dead ends. My mom got claustrophobic so we moved onto the next exhibit.

There was so much stuff to see. I could have spent 10 minutes staring at the same thing and not get tired of it. My favorite thing I saw kept changing but I loved the vintage rooms they had decorated to look like it was for real aristocrats.

Let them eat cake.
Something really interesting about the MET were the amount of amateur artists they had. A woman sat in front of a sculpture and drew in with charcoal, a man had clay and was sculpting a different sculpture in another room.

I could have stayed and watched them as well.

We found the paintings we had been looking for. I don't know art and I don't know what any of this stuff is called. But it was more Picasso, Braque, Manet, Rembrandt, and Monet. Monet had a whole room to himself, it was wonderful!

And the crowd levels were really great. You could be in a room with just yourself and the security and never had to wait to get up close to a painting. There were also very few children. The children were mostly located near the entrance.

My mom was hungry so we went to the cafe and had a snack. It took a bit of navigating, but by now we understood the map and layout of the MET so it wasn't hard. On the way, we passed by a Jackson Pollock painting that made me angry. I hate that stuff.

We went down some stairs and I was surprised to see a sculpture I recognized, Lilith.

She's a bronze statue that is a little frightening with these piercing glass eyes. In Jewish lore, Lilith was said to be Adam's first wife but she saw herself as his equal whereas Eve was made from his rib. Lilith was evicted from Eden and sent to hell. I've heard about the statue before, and how creepy it is. I was surprised to find it without trying because had I known the statue was here I would have tracked it down. It made me happy. I think this was the highlight of my trip to the MET.

We left the MET and found where our bus was to pick us up. We waited for the bus. And waited. And waited. The rival bus drove by several times. After 40 minutes, someone from the rival bus came up to us and asked if we would like to ride with them. We got on.

The bus experience with them wasn't much different then with the other bus. We got to Times Square and I led the way back to the hotel. We hung out at the hotel until 7, then we caught a cab to Uptown for a stand up show.

We went to the comedy club my mom had bought tickets for several nights ago. I truly did not want to go and was a little bit annoyed at being there. There had a 2 drink minimum and I didn't know what that meant. Were you automatically charged for 2 drinks, or were you required to drink 2 drinks? Obviously you can't force someone to drink when they don't want to so I was confused. Anyways, I had 2 jameson and gingers before the show even started and my mom had a margarita and they I had her second margarita. She also ordered something called focaccia. It had cheese, sauteed spinach and truffle oil.

"You can scrape the cheese off." My mom told me. Then she added. "In fact, you probably should."

The food came out and was really good. It was creamy and I was feeling pretty chill after inhaling my drinks.

I didn't scrape the cheese off. Decisions were made.
Then the show started at 8. It was hilarious. I laughed at everything. I sat next to some ladies who were also laughing at everything. I'm sure we were really obnoxious but I didn't care. The comedians were so funny. They were also very inappropriate. For a lot of jokes I would not have been able to look my mother in the eye but I heard her laughing as well.

The show ended at 10 and I loved it. I'm glad I was wrong about it earlier because it was a great experience. We took a cab back to Times Square and had plans to get bubble tea but the shop was closed. Instead we went to the same bakery as last night and got a cup of fruit and cheesecake. I mourned for the bubble tea but fruit is never a bad decision so I liked it as well.

We relaxed at the hotel and I went to sleep around midnight.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Get the hell out of Chinatown

Today's morning was like yesterday, up at 8 and gone by 9.  We walked around for a little bit, looking for a place to eat. I just wanted wifi. There's a little deli shop a couple blocks away where I had a bagel and fruit. You can get fruit anywhere, it's great.

After that we walked over to the Empire State building. Some guy on the corner was selling tickets to get into a shorter line at the Empire State. Of course we walked away with tickets. At first it was funny counting how often my mom would stop and talk with these people. Now I've lost count. The tickets were $9 each. After buying them, we walked for maybe a couple minutes trying to find the entrance. The entire time it seemed like we didn't really know where we were going or if we were going the wrong way. After getting inside the building, you had to take an escalator up, then there was this movie theater style counter where you could buy popcorn and snacks. You had to wait in that line for some reason, then we took an elevator up to the 80th floor. On that floor you could walk around and look at pictures and stuff. It wasn't interesting and I didn't care.


The most interesting part of this room was the King Kong section.

Poor old thing

When you got tired of looking at stuff, you got in another line. If you wanted, you could have paid something like $10 to skip this line and go into a shorter one. Apparently we had already used our fastpass ticket. I don't know when that happened. But we waited in this line for maybe 10-15 minutes before getting onto another elevator that took us up 6 more floors to the top.

The top had a viewing area that went all the way around.

Look at all that smog.

It wasn't super crowded. I didn't think it was crowded at all. And as high up as you are, you don't really get dizzy looking down. My mom pointed out sights to me and I half listened. It was an okay experience. New York is very ugly in the daytime. I think it would be amazing at night though.

Same outfit, different day.

After we were done we went back inside and had to wait in line for an elevator down. There was an option to take the stairs down for 6 flights (which we would have done), but my mom messed up her knee a few weeks back so we opted out.

After we left the building, we went over to a Starbucks because I really wanted that wifi. My mom and I both got a coffee and split a slice of pumpkin loaf. We went downstairs where the seating was and I tried to get my kindle to download the pictures I had taken on my phone from yesterday. Nothing I tried would work and on top of that the internet kept going in and out. This made me decently angry. This wifi situation in NY is complete bull. After an hour of this I gave up and we left at 1.

We got on our bus and went over to Wall Street. The buses give free headphones to you everytime you got on. You plugged them into the wall and got a tour that gave you facts about the city. I really liked it, but we also had sort of a tour guide on the bus. He asked us where we were going, told us where to get off, gave us more detailed maps, and then spoke in spanish to the people behind us to do that same for them. The service with these busses is great.

We got off the bus at Wall Street because why not. There was a building where George Washington was when he became the first president. We walked around but it was boring. There was a neat church called Trinity Church. It's the oldest church in New York, more then 300 years old.

Trinity Church

The church was 2 blocks from the Twin Towers. When 9/11 happened, not 1 glass was damaged in the church despite several other buildings being knocked down. We went inside and it was lovely.

Here we have to be quiet like we're in the library- mom

We left the Trinity Church and were going to go to the Twin Tower memorial but I got distracted by an Urban Outfitters and did a little shopping. I bought a shirt/dress thing, a tank top, and a flannel shirt for $167. I love New York shopping. There was 4 floors at the Urban Outfitter. That's how shopping should be.

The 9/11 memorial was a short walk but I really had to go to the bathroom so it felt like forever. Emily said not to end the trip here, as it was kind of depressing. I didn't know what to expect, but it was alright.

We didn't hang out there for very long. There was a museum but we didn't go. My mom took some pictures and talked about how she likes being in places where history was made. If I didn't get to a bathroom soon, I was about to make history near this memorial.

We went over to a Burger King, bought a small fry, then had to go upstairs to a bathroom. This Burger King had a hostess that gave you menus when you sat down. It was so weird. I waited in line for probably 4 years before I finally got inside that 1 person bathroom. This was my punishment for eating mac and cheese last night.

After rewarding myself with some BK fries for not having an accident, we got back on the bus to go to Chinatown. This bus had a tour guide that talked about all the places we passed and he was also great. No one bothered with the headphones. We went through Battery Park, saw the three bridges, saw the place where the mafia would dump bodies. We saw a lot. We drove past the projects and I thought that would be exciting, but the buildings we saw were nicer than any apartment building in Lead or Deadwood.

Our tour guide was very informative and starting to gain my respect. Then he told us a story about seeing a UFO.

"With how vast our universe is, I believe there are other life forms out there."

Well alright then.

We got off the bus at Chinatown. I thought Chinatown was a couple streets, but it's way bigger than I thought. Also, it was disgusting and very sketchy. My mom's not turned off too easy (unlike me, who was ready to bounce the hell out of here), so we walked around for a bit. This led to us getting lost and me not wanting to stop and stand around long enough to look at the map. I pulled out my iphone for the map and it told me we were right next to a place called "Happy Endings". This was too ridicuous to be true, so I looked around for the Happy Endings sign when from the sky a bag of garbage was thrown onto the street by someone from one of the apartments. Garbage was literally falling from the sky.

I wanted to get the hell out of Chinatown. This place was so seedy and gross I didn't even take any pictures. We found a location where our bus would pick us up and had to wait half an hour. There was a light rain. When the bus came, we stayed on the bottom level and I fell asleep on the ride back to Times Square. Apparently, we were suppose to drive by Saint Patrick's cathedral and go to the UN. But a Cardinal died (the formal Cardinal for the archdiocese of New York, Camin's words not mine) and we got stuck behind his funeral procession. My mom said the traffic was terrible. I slept through it all.

 We went back to our hotel and hung out there for an hour.

Around 6:45 we left to find a place to eat. We went to Hell's Kitchen and looked at several restaurant menus before deciding on a place called Southern Hospitality.

The place looked cool and we were sat right away. The menu was all bbq and I ordered a pulled chicken platter with baked beans and corn bread. My mom got ribs with mashed potatos and a veggie medley. She also ordered a sangria. I tried it and it was delicious and I don't like sangria.

I tried to get on their internet but my kindle wouldn't connect. Our food came out and it was soo delicious.


We ate and ate and ate. My mom said it was one of those meals that you get sad when you can't eat anymore. The ribs weren't as sweet as last nights but they were fall off the bone. We ended up trading my cornbread for her veggie plate. I don't like cornbread. I don't know why I ordered it.


The dinner cost $53.24

We left feeling like fatty ding dongs.


Then we found a bakery and went inside because we still had some self respect to throw away. We bought a canoli, cookies, and a strawberry tort. That all cost $12. After we left the bakery, we saw a bubble tea shop. I've never had bubble tea but my mom likes it. Of course we had to go inside.

I didn't really know what I was ordering, so I got a "yellow moo milk" and my mom got "bubble milk green tea". Mine was great! It tasted like almond milk and had tapioca and jelly in it. My moms wasn't as good as mine. She says my yellow moo milk isn't as good as her green tea drink. The drinks cost $7 something.

Yellow moo milk

We went back to the hotel. It's been raining most of the evening. Nearly everyone here carries an umbrella and gets poked in the eye by someone else's. I think umbrellas are for wimps.

After drinking my bubble tea I took a shower. Then we ate some of the snacks from the bakery. I broke down and paid for internet at the hotel. You get it for 24 hours and it costs $15. Complete bull. Even at that shoddy hotel in Pierre I had free internet. But I was able to get the travel blog updated. That's a weight off my back.

What a day. I visited the Empire State Building, almost pooped my pants at the Twin Towers memorial, saw garbage fall from the sky, and had bubble tea. I went to bed at 2 a.m.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Up at 8 and out the door by 9. I wore one of the 2 outfits I brought, but when I wear my only green jacket and scarf it looks like I'm wearing the same thing I wore yesterday. Fantastic planning on my part.

We only made it a couple blocks before my mom got distracted by this guy selling bus tickets on the corner. She bought 2 tickets for a bus tour around NY for $118. It's basically an unlimited bus pass for tourists for x amount of days and she says it's a really good deal. After that we got a bagel from a vendor and ate outside the New York City Public Library. We don't have internet at our hotel because they're a bunch of fascists so I finished my blog post then and was able to get on the internet.

Here we have to be quiet like we're in church- Mom

Once inside the library, we headed straight towards the children's section for one of the libraries greatest items. The original Winnie the Pooh and friends were on display.

A bear of very little brain.

It made me very happy.

After that, we wandered around the library. The Rose Main Reading room (where that Ghostbusters library scene takes place) was closed, so we went to a map room where there is the worlds largest collection of maps. There's not much to say about it. It was a map room.

Then we went to an exhibit called Over There that was about WWI and, for lack of a better word, american propaganda. Lots of stuff about supporting our troops through buying stamps and whatever. Real Captain America, if Captain America fought in WW1.

Me finding out I passed the statistics 2 test that half the class failed.

Then we went to an exhibit called Public Eye. It's about photography, or specifically, "175 years of sharing photography".

No I'm in a mirror.

Everything from way old pictures to posting pics on the internet. It was alright. My mom got nostalgic around some stereograph pictures. When she was a wee little thing, she and her siblings would play with them at the library. If she hadn't told me what they were I would have thought they were weird postcards.

The library was very cool and so beautiful on the inside. Everything was white marble and just classy. I loved it but wished Cam or my dad could have been with us. They would have liked it more, and when you're with people who like things more, everything is that much more exciting and happy.

We left the library around 11:30. We were only going to be there for 5 minutes but we ended up staying an hour and a half. Then we did a bit of walking to the Museum of Modern Art. On the way we passed a pretty cathedral called Saint John the Divine that had several camera crews stationed around it. Perhaps someone important was going to go through the doors but we didn't wait to see because it was time to get some art on.

Saint John the Divine

The Museum of Modern Art is big with 5 floors. We started from the top and worked our way down. Unfortunately, the top floor was "Special Exhibit", which basically meant crap art. Jackson Pollack type art, which I hate. Stuff like some paint splatters and a neon bulb taped to a board has it's place on the wall. It was so boring. My mom said 90% of it confused her. She understood 10% more than me. At one point I saw a pile of garbage and made a mental joke about how it was art, only to find out it was actually art. Just hanging out on the ground looking like trash. Maybe that was the point of this exhibit. Sometimes something looks like it should be thrown away, but upon closer inspection... No, it should still be thrown away. That exhibit was a waste of time.

The next floor had the big names on it. Van Gogh, Braque, and Picasso (he has a lot of stuff) were there. Starry Night always had a crowd around it.

The Mona Lisa of MoMA

My favorite had to be Monet. I like his stuff.

We saw 2 Frida Kahlo paintings and that was exciting. There were several elementary school tours and the kids were so cute. They held hands. One of the kids pointed at a painting of a topless woman and said "Eww look at that!" and a little girl replied very maturely, "It's not disgusting." Little cuties.

Then we left and saw more weird art I didn't understand. But no one was making odd faces or saying "This is stupid" so I tried to act normal too. There was a black and white video of a naked man and woman hanging out on a couch. They would sit down and pass back and forth a big white ball.

It's not disgusting.

Most of the stuff didn't make any sense or leave any impression on me. There were security guards everywhere though. I wonder if they are dead inside.

Maybe this painting fell down and everyone thought it looked better that way.

We wandered around more. The crowd levels were very low. You barely had to wait to get up close to a painting. There was 1 room behind closed doors and that looked very edgy. It had a warning sign in front.

You had my curiousity. But now you have my attention.

But inside was a letdown. There was no violence or dead bodies. Just some exercise videos with the sound of metal hitting metal.


We saw some Andy Warhol stuff that my mom thought was cool. It was just more weird stuff. I'm not a fan of his soup cans work.


At one point there was a shovel hanging from the ceiling. A man took a picture of it. To get a second opinion on some of what I was seeing, I texted Cam a bit. His phone broke but now it's working again. I wonder if he would have liked MoMA.

We saw some more weird stuff. I texted Cam and Ian more. It would have been fun to have them there.

And then we left at 1:30. I'm glad we went to MoMA, but I will never go back. After leaving we wanted to find a place to eat. Some guy on the corner handed my mom a pamphlet to a place called Isadora's Cafe. Notice the trend of how my mom gets sucked into taking things from strangers. I won't even talk to people on the street.

We passed by a Lindors chocolate shop and bought a bag. The lady at the counter saw the pamphlets my mom had just gotten and said she loved that place. So we decided to go to Isadora's. The cafe was really nice and had a huge selection of food. I got a chicken ceasar wrap and my mom got a grilled tuna panini (each came with a soda and a bag of chips. It cost $27). It was good. We hung out there for an hour as we ate and I typed up today's events.


After chilling, we left and wandered around Times Square for a while. Some guy on the street was selling tickets to a comedy club. I was all ready to ignore him, but guess who started talking to him. My mom bought 2 tickets for $40 for a show at either 8:00 or 10:00 any night. We also bought tickets to Lion King for $162 a piece on the main floor. They were the best seats we could get, not the best they had because they were sold out of those. We stopped in an Urban Outfitters and an American Eagle store but didn't buy anything. In Times Square there were a lot of people dressed in costumes. It was frightening.

The people's princess.

At one point there were 4 Elmo's just talking in a circle. Very scary stuff. Finally we got a plan and decided to get on the bus tour at 4:00. They gave us headphones that we popped in and listened to people tell us about New York. We went all around Central Park, saw the Dakota where John Lennon lived, went Uptown, went to Harlem. We saw so much that I've forgotten most of it. I really liked the tour though. Uptown was great.

Natural expression.

There's an M&M store that we went to after the bus tour. I don't care for M&Ms, so in hindsight I don't know why we went there. The floor was so pretty. It looked edible.

It was pretty touristy and generic. There were 3 floors and we saw the blue M&M and the yellow M&M. They did not give out free M&M's.

Doubt it.

We walked around more. On vacations with my mom, you clock a LOT of steps.

Around 6 we went to Bubba Gump's to eat. We were seated pretty quickly and ordered a mac and cheese for an appetizer, then ribs and pasta for the meal. The mac and cheese was really good. I ate it without thinking. My digestive system is... questionable around cheese.

Minutes after this picture was taken, the mac and cheese was gone.

Then our food arrived. I had ordered scampi linguini with capers. It was rich, too rich. My mom ordered ribs and fries. Everything was really good but my stomach wasn't having the best time. I tried explaining to my mom that there was a decent chance I was going to get the poops and stink up the hotel room. She laughed and laughed like I had told her a good joke. Jokes on her because I was serious. My stomach can't handle a grilled cheese sandwich and I had just eaten half a bowl of mac and cheese. It was only a matter of time.


The dinner cost $61.26 and we didn't finish. We went back to the hotel. At one point I thought we needed to go one way, but my mom said it was the other way. We went her way and walked for a bit until I realized it was the wrong way. Then I led the way back to the hotel. I am such a grown up.

At the hotel I took a shower and we were going to go to a jazz club but we were too tired. Instead, we watched Food Network and went to bed around midnight to one. The mac and cheese didn't make me sick, hallelujah.