Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Change of plans

About a month ago, a friend (who is also going to Ireland) and I were talking about the trip when she mentioned that she would be staying in Europe after our trip ended because she would be going to Germany a week after for another trip. Naturally I was jealous and wanted to learn more about this Germany trip.

This trip was to Aalen University where students would be attending lectures during the day and, what I can only assume, partying during the night. It would cost $3000 and the dates were June 6 to June 18, about five days after the Ireland trip would end. I spoke with the head organizer of the trip and she gave me permission to join.

And that was it. Again, I put very little thought into this trip and on a whim decided to go. So! Instead of two weeks in Ireland, the trip has become one month of Europe. I'm still not excited (it's five months away...), but if I think about it hard enough I feel fortunate that I can do this. My parents are both very supportive of Euro 2015 and sometimes I daydream about being abroad and looking up the time zones to see if it's too late to call or text them. There is about a 5 day break between when Ireland trip ends and Germany trip begins. So I guess Maria (the girl who is going on both trips) and I will be bumming around Europe then.

While this whole Germany trip has popped up, another trip has also presented itself. For spring break, my mom and I are going to New York! I've never been to the east coast and this is going to be pretty great! Plane tickets + NYC pass costs $732.20 and we should get a good deal on hotels since working at the Deadwood Mountain Grand gives pretty sweet hotel discounts for employees ($30 to $100 a night). Including tickets for a Broadway show and a bus pass, it should be around $1000. As I type this, my mom says she's going to go on a diet so she can take a big ole bite out of the big apple. And she's narrating what she does in show-tune style songs.

Both New York and Euro 2015 have something in common and that's that I am taking no part in planning the trips. I kind of hate planning. Looking at the cheapest flight options, where to fly in, what to do, where to eat, who to see, what time to wake up to beat the crowds, that shit stresses me out. My mom loves planning vacations and she is amazing at it. And Maria loves planning too and she should be a travel guide. Without people like them, vacations wouldn't be half the fun.

Oh and in a month I'm going to Pierre for the Governors Conference but it's probably going to be super boring so I might never mention it again. Whew! Now this blog is up to date. auf wiedersehen 2014, hallo 2015!