Friday, November 7, 2014


The passport came in the mail today! It's great! It's more small than I imagined. Like this is what I imagine a teddy bear to carry around. But it's great! There are patriotic pictures in it! And they spelled my mouthful of a name right. High fives for everyone involved really. Except for the lady that took the photo. This really looks more like a mugshot than a passport.

o beautiful for spacious skies

They didn't send me back my birth certificate. It's sent separately, I don't know when I'll receive it. But I'm very happy to be in possession of a passport! Fun fact: Less than 40% of South Dakota residents own a passport. Another fun fact: New York residents own, on average, more passports than any other state. This is because many New Yorkers don't own a drivers license and need a form of identification (thus, passport). And another fun fact*: 9/11 increased the number of passports in America. Apparently before 9/11 you didn't need a passport to go to Canada or Mexico. Crazy, or should I say, loco.

I'm out of fun facts. Until next time...

*It is obvious I am a tourism major.