Thursday, October 23, 2014

I'm going to Ireland! (next May)

On September 5th 2014, BHSU students received an email from EF College Study Tours regarding a 10 day trip to Ireland in May. Several hours and 3 grand later and I had a receipt for my trip purchase. I was going to Ireland.

Hurray! But before I get into the details and what's happened since that very impulsive purchase, this is what's going on in my life. I'm Calla! This is my travel blog! I'm 22 years old and a senior in college. My major is tourism and hospitality, which I really enjoy because I love traveling and live in a tourist area. I have a job as a cocktail waitress in Deadwood. I like animals, Harry Potter, and eating the middle out of foods. That's it.
This is what I look like-

(I'm the one on the right)

Enough of everyday me, let's talk about travel me. I've never been out of the States. I've been on a plane over a dozen times, mostly to Florida, and have flown by myself to Oregon 2 years ago. Last June I drove to Helena, Montana with my younger brother for a rafting trip and that was neat. 

Back to September 5th. I saw an email regarding a trip to Ireland and looked at their dates and price long enough to know I could afford it and it was far enough into the future to the point where I didn't have anything planned that weekend. That was literally all the thought I put into this. Seriously, I cannot emphasize how little I mulled over this decision. The dates were roughly scheduled for May something (I can't remember and am too lazy to check), about a week after I graduate. It cost $3,400 and I paid in full that night. The trip is being catered/hosted/chaperoned by the EF College Study Tours and I'll be going with some other students from SD schools. Oh and we'll be visiting Belfast and Dublin. Like Jon Snow, I knew nothing (else).
It's far enough away that I'm not peeing my pants excited. But my parents are happy for me. "I'm really glad you're doing this!" my mom said to me. "What? Wow!" my dad said.

For the next couple weeks this is all I had to go off of.

Then last week a girl I know was whining about how busy she was and felt it necessary to tell the class her hectic schedule for the next several months. "...and then after I graduate I'm going to Ireland-"

"You're going to Ireland in May?" I asked. "Yeah." She replied casually. "Me too!" I replied not casually. Then we talked about how excited we were (she to hear the sexy Irish accents, me to no longer be under the impression that I was leaving the country with total strangers) and we vowed to visit the bars every night.

Then for a couple weeks nothing happened.

Today my mom finally nagged me enough into getting my passport. Like I said before, I've never left the States. I don't have a passport. So I filled out some paperwork, dug out my birth certificate, and went to Spearfish (it's the closest place to get the passport picture taken) with my mom! I dressed in my finest garments (torn jeans, Victoria's Secret tee shirt, and 3 day old hair). It's like picture day in Middle School all over again. No second chance, no retakes. Whatever I looked like in my passport picture I would be stuck with for the next 10 years. I also practiced my smile, since I have what is medically defined as a bitchy resting face. This was serious business.
At the Spearfish post office I handed in my paperwork and was led to a backroom for the photo. The lady who took it said I could smile or not and then she took the picture. It was pretty quick. "Is it okay?" I asked her. She said it was fine in a tone that suggested she didn't give a damn if I had a booger hanging out of my nose or not. Fantastic.
I filled out more paperwork and paid about $150 for the whole thing and it took like 7 minutes. Pretty painless experience. Then the lady gave me a copy of my picture and I didn't have a booger hanging out of my face, so good on me!

Now this blog is up to date. My goal is to update it as things regarding the Ireland trip occur. Until next time,